Try installing this font:  Lucida ConsoleP from

It is Lucida Console, reencoded to put the linedraw chars where 
codepage:oem expects them.  Then, start rxvt as:

rxvt -fn "Lucida ConsoleP-14" .....

(also, you may need to set your TERM variable to 'rxvt-cygwin-native')


Igor Bujna wrote:

> avel Tsekov wrote:
>> Igor Bujna wrote:
>>> Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
>>>> Kent,
>>>> 2002-01-08 18:12:54, du schriebst:
>>>>>> To get it work for me, I had to include the path to bash
>>>>>> rxvt -e /bin/bash --login -i
>>>>>> probably because I don't have the cygwin paths in my windows PATH.
>>>>>> Once bash starts with --login it reads the /etc/profile and 
>>>>>> everything is ok.
>>>>> ding ding ding ding!  We have a winner.  This works.
>>>> Come on, that isn't fair;)
>>>> I posted MY shortcut target at the beginning of this thread:
>>>> Gerrit
>>> Hi,
>>> its very good. Bad i have some program  with ncurses. On the screen i 
>>> see the box() function in curses creates an ugly looking box, where 
>>> the extended characters drawing the box (ACS_VLINE, ACS_HLINE) are 
>>> replaced with characters from the lower ASCII set (3 and Ä). This 
>>> code works fine under VT100 terminal settings.
>> If you set the global CYGWIN environment variable to codepage:ansi the 
>> problem
>> should disappear - or am I wrong ?
> It's not work.
> For normal bash i must have codepage:oem .But under rxvt it's not working.

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