On Mon, Jan 07, 2002 at 06:58:15PM -0500, Brandon S. Allbery  KF8NH wrote:
> On Mon, 2002-01-07 at 16:32, Nicolas Williams wrote:
> > A dialog comes up saying: "The procedure entry point ___progname could
> > not be located in the dynamic link library cygwin1.dll". This happens if
> > the binary is in /usr/local/bin.
> > 
> > Same binary in /usr/bin or /usr/heimdal/bin works just fine.
> <guess type="semi-wild">
> Look for outdated versions of cygwin1.dll on your disk; possibly in
> /usr/local/bin itself.  This would be Windows' slightly odd DLL lookup
> rules biting you.)
> </guess>

Doh! That's it, yes. I don't know how that happened. But it did.

BTW, though I've not seen it yet, this sort of dependency lookup
problem can bite you on, for example, Solaris 8, where the link paths
can reference $ORIGIN (the directory whence the binary came), as in

Now I have a different problem:

$ cd /usr/local
$ ls
etc include info lib libexec man sbin
$ ls -d bin

And I can't remove /usr/local/bin/cygwin1.dll.

I think I'm headed for a complete reinstall here.

> -- 
> brandon s. allbery   [os/2][linux][solaris][japh]  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> system administrator      [WAY too many hats]        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> electrical and computer engineering                                KF8NH
> carnegie mellon university  ["better check the oblivious first" -ke6sls]

Thanks. Cheers,

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