> [...]
> Nope.  The datatype uid_t is equivalent to unsigned short (16bit).
> The mkpasswd tool doesn't take that into account when generating
> the uids, unfortunately.
> Corinna
So, it's just a storage problem of the uid...
In my memory, the unix datatype uid_t is a long ? no ?
In the case I've mentioned yesterday, if an other user 
already has the id 43833 (which is probably the case),
Is there a way to log, in the same time, him on his
own account and me on mine ?

I've seen that mkpasswod works with int, the
value returns by NetUserGetInfo is a DWORD -> ok
(-long would be better (platform-independent), but...-)

mkpasswd use the entire information NT returns so :

Why 32 bits have not been chosen for uid_t too ?



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