
I am a newbie to the world of the Palm and the cygwin development
environment.  I was wondering if anyone could help me out with a couple of

I have been trying to get some of the examples to compile with the palm 3.5
development kit but am finding that the examples are for the code warrior
environment.  I am interested in trying to get these to build using the
cygwin environment.  I can get most of the source files to compile with the
exception of the SampleLib example.  I believe that there is a difference in
how CodeWarrior and Cygwin handle the asm directive because the
SableLibDispatch.c does not compile under Cygwin as is.

Is there a good resource for the cygwin compile and link options out on the
web and is there a good resource on how to build shared libraries for the

Thanks for your help,
Steve Perry

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