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For your convenience, I've reset the Reply-To: address to point to the
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On Mon, Dec 31, 2001 at 09:25:21PM +0000, Nicholas Clark wrote:
>Sorry if I have found the wrong addresses to e-mail, but as best I can figure
>out from the MAINTAINERS file you're the people maintaining
>I'm not a Cygwin user, but one of the contributors to perl5, and perl5 is
>getting test built by other people who are using Cygwin (and native Windows)
>Because of something else Win32 related I volunteered to write a socketpair
>emulation for Win32, and after I wrote stream sockets using TCP worked out
>an easy way to do datagram sockets using UDP. I also wrote a perl regression
>test for socketpair that passes on real socketpair on Unix (except for HP
>UX, but we've concluded that their stack is very buggy w.r.t shutdown())
>I was surprised to find that the test was failing 50% on Cygwin. I'd assumed
>that my emulation code was duff (because I'd been told that Win32 had no
>socketpair, and assumed therefore that development perl built on Cygwin was
>using my emulation code. [It's being tested by someone in Amsterdam; I'm in
>London, so it's not possible for me to pop round and look over his shoulder
>at the console]
>After a few days of head scratching we thought to check things and found that
>Cygwin has socketpair emulation code. I've got the Cygwin source from CVS, and
>indeed it does in winsup/cygwin/, but only for stream sockets.
>To cut a long story short, I'm attaching my emulation code for TCP and UDP
>socketpairs for Cygwin's use, should you want it. It's currently in the form
>of a hello world program, which has been compiled and run on Cygwin last week
>(but has had 1 errno related bug fixed since then, which shouldn't bust it)
>My TCP code appears to be slightly more paranoid that Cygwin's, but otherwise
>similar. Cygwin's doesn't attempt UDP, but it would not be difficult to add,
>basically by chopping out my S_socketpair_udp and placing it in
>As I don't have any machine running MS Windows, let alone a Windows machine
>with a compiler I can't do this for you - sorry.
>However, I hope this code is of use to you. Is it large enough that there
>needs to be some sort of copyright assignment games for legal reasons?
>Nicholas Clark

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