Hi everyone,

Pardon my ignorance on this, but I have searched the mailing list archives on this (as 
well as read the user guide to look for guidance) but this problem doesn't seem to be 
mentioned anywhere.  
I have been using tcsh and cygwin for a long time now (since the b19 days) and have 
pretty much gotten used to navigating the directories on my hard drive using the 
non-posix style paths (i.e. cd d:/some_dir).  Over the past several months I have been 
living with the following behavior but I've reached a point where I either track this 
sucker down, or change my way of working:

While in tcsh, with the noglob variable set

/> set noglob
/> cd d:/work/advcode

/d:/work/advcode/> pwd

/d:/work/advcode/> cd ..

/d:/work/> pwd

But when I navigate to each individual  subdirectory separately, everything is fine, 

/> set noglob
/> cd d:/
/d:/>cd work
/d:/work>cd advcode

/d:/work/advcode/> pwd

/d:/work/advcode/> cd ..

/d:/work/> pwd

Furthermore, if I unset the noglob variable, then I get this (

/> unset noglob
/> cd d:/work/advcode
/d:/work/advcode/> cd ..
/d:/work:  No such file or directory

When I use posix style paths, all is fine.  What's more, I can do the above in bash 
and all is OK.

Is the above behavior expected or is this indicative of a problem with tcsh?

Thanks in advance,

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