Very good answer.

Peter Buckley wrote:
> I have some ideas about how our government should do things. I also have
> ideas about how we should have 4 day workweeks and get paid the same.
> What kind of ideas were you looking for? I could probably have an idea
> about anything if you told me something more specific.
> Like if you wanted me to offer an idea about what I thought would help
> you install cygwin, maybe you could tell the list the steps that you
> took to install (from the beginning when you went to and
> when you get the error message, and what the error message says. Then I
> might have an idea about what the problem could be, or even ideas that
> might help fix the problem. And there might be other people on the list
> with ideas, too. Just think of all the help you could get if you told us
> what your problem was.
> Full of ideas,
> Peter
Gebbia, Joseph (Joey), NPONS:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I tried to install cygwin and I keep getting a error message. I am running
> > win2k, any ideas
> >
> >
> > thanks in advance
> >
> > Joey Gebbia, NPONS
> > AT&T Network Services
> > office: 732.885.7798
> > pager: 1.800.258.0000 pin: 9116474

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