On Thu, Dec 06, 2001 at 01:26:28PM +0200, Ulrich Jakobus wrote:
> Hello,
> I am running a CVS server on a Win2K machine connecting through
> SSH, where sshd is a standard installation of CYGWIN (i.e running
> under the SYSTEM account as configured by the ssh-config-host 
> script).

A Cygwin CVS or a native CVS?  If it's a native CVS, the
below message that auther is SYSTEM would be ok.  Changing
the user context w/o password uncovers a flaw in NT user name
handling.  Cygwin just workarounds that.

> However, when using the ~/.ssh/authorizedkeys file then CVS also
> works, no error messages. But the CVS log files contain
>   date        2001.;    author SYSTEM;  state Exp;
> i.e. the user SYSTEM appears here.


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