I have been trying unsuccessfully the past few days to get inetd
running, with no luck.  I have searched the ML archives and have not been
able to find any messages relating to my partitcular issue.
     If I try running inetd as a service, it starts, sits for a few seconds,
then dies.  If I type 'inetd' from bash or cmd, it just does nothing.  No
errors at all, and it never appears in Task Manager, even for a split
     I have inetd.conf properly configured, yet still nothing.  The really
wierd part, however, is that if I go to a bash prompt, and type 'inetd -d'
for debugging, it works perfectly, showing no errors at all, accepting
incoming connections, it all works.  I don't want to have inetd running in
debug mode all the time though, so setting that isnt an option ;-)
     Any help would be greatly appreciated.
     -Collin Grady

I had my car's alignment checked. It's Chaotic Evil!

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