Hallo Sylvain,

Am 2001-12-02 um 15:50 schriebst du:

> Hi all,

> Trying to compile last MySQL version gives me
> an error while running autoconf (version 2.52) :

Which version is the last?
I built 4.0 'release' and there is a configure script included
so there is no need to run autoconf.
If you get it from CVS and no configure is included, then
there are twio possibilities:
1. autoconf 2.52 isn't supported by the mysql hackers and
   you need to use 2.13
2. it is a bug in configure.in

> How could I solve this problem ?

Have you tried to use autoupdate?
Have you looked at the mysql support pages if it is a known

Use the released versions, 3.23.44 or 4.0, both were build
by me and it works nearly OOTB (only one patch needed, is attached).

I attached also my buildscript because it is important which options
you choose, e.g --enable-assembler doesn't work.


Gerrit P. Haase                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Attachment: mysql.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: mysql.build
Description: Binary data

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