The previous implementation of the signal queue behaves as:
1) Signals in the queue are processed in a disordered manner.
2) If the same signal is already in the queue, new signal is discarded.

Strictly speaking, these behaviours do not violate POSIX. However,
these could be a cause of unexpected behaviour in some software. In
Linux, some important signals such as SIGSTOP/SIGCONT do not seem to
behave like that.
This patch prevents SIGKILL, SIGSTOP, SIGCONT, and SIGRT* from that
issue. Moreover, if SA_SIGINFO is set in sa_flags, the signal is
treated almost as the same.

Fixes: 7ac6173643b1 ("(pending_signals): New class.")
Reported by: Christian Franke <>
Reviewed-by: Corinna Vinschen <>, Christian Franke 
Signed-off-by: Takashi Yano <>
 winsup/cygwin/ |  21 +----
 winsup/cygwin/    | 176 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 2 files changed, 158 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)

diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/ b/winsup/cygwin/
index 68c7af16a..101a9e953 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/
@@ -1436,12 +1436,6 @@ _cygtls::handle_SIGCONT ()
   myself->stopsig = 0;
   InterlockedAnd ((LONG *) &myself->process_state, ~PID_STOPPED);
-  /* Clear pending stop signals */
-  sig_clear (SIGSTOP, false);
-  sig_clear (SIGTSTP, false);
-  sig_clear (SIGTTIN, false);
-  sig_clear (SIGTTOU, false);
@@ -1488,7 +1482,10 @@ sigpacket::process ()
   else if (ISSTATE (myself, PID_STOPPED))
-      rc = -1;         /* Don't send signals when stopped */
+      if (si.si_signo == SIGSTOP)
+       rc = 1;         /* Ignore (discard) SIGSTOP */
+      else
+       rc = -1;        /* Don't send signals when stopped */
       goto done;
   else if (!sigtls)
@@ -1547,15 +1544,7 @@ sigpacket::process ()
   if (si.si_signo == SIGKILL)
     goto exit_sig;
   if (si.si_signo == SIGSTOP)
-    {
-      sig_clear (SIGCONT, false);
-      goto stop;
-    }
-  /* Clear pending SIGCONT on stop signals */
-  if (si.si_signo == SIGTSTP || si.si_signo == SIGTTIN
-      || si.si_signo == SIGTTOU)
-    sig_clear (SIGCONT, false);
+    goto stop;
   if (handler == (void *) SIG_DFL)
diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/ b/winsup/cygwin/
index 8739f18f5..ecd289a5f 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ details. */
 #include "cygtls.h"
 #include "ntdll.h"
 #include "exception.h"
+#include <assert.h>
  * Convenience defines
@@ -28,6 +29,10 @@ details. */
 #define WSSC             60000 // Wait for signal completion
 #define WPSP             40000 // Wait for proc_subproc mutex
+#define PIPE_DEPTH _NSIG /* Historically, the pipe size is _NSIG packet */
+#define SIGQ_ROOM 4
  * Global variables
@@ -93,6 +98,10 @@ static NO_COPY HANDLE my_readsig;
 /* Used in select if a signalfd is part of the read descriptor set */
 HANDLE NO_COPY my_pendingsigs_evt;
+/* Used by sig_send() with __SIGFLUSHFAST */
+static NO_COPY HANDLE sigflush_evt;
+static NO_COPY HANDLE sigflush_done_evt;
 /* Function declarations */
 static int checkstate (waitq *);
 static __inline__ bool get_proc_lock (DWORD, DWORD);
@@ -104,21 +113,23 @@ static void wait_sig (VOID *arg);
 class pending_signals
-  sigpacket sigs[_NSIG + 1];
+  sigpacket sigs[SIGQ_DEPTH];
   sigpacket start;
+  int queue_left;
   SRWLOCK queue_lock;
   bool retry;
   void lock () { AcquireSRWLockExclusive (&queue_lock); }
   void unlock () { ReleaseSRWLockExclusive (&queue_lock); }
-  pending_signals (): queue_lock (SRWLOCK_INIT) {}
+  pending_signals (): queue_left (SIGQ_DEPTH), queue_lock (SRWLOCK_INIT) {}
   void add (sigpacket&);
   bool pending () {retry = !!; return retry;}
   void clear (int sig, bool need_lock);
   void clear (_cygtls *tls);
   friend void sig_dispatch_pending (bool);
   friend void wait_sig (VOID *arg);
+  friend sigset_t sig_send (_pinfo *p, siginfo_t& si, _cygtls *tls);
 static NO_COPY pending_signals sigq;
@@ -441,15 +452,22 @@ sig_clear (int sig, bool need_lock)
 pending_signals::clear (int sig, bool need_lock)
-  sigpacket *q = sigs + sig;
-  if (!sig || !q->si.si_signo)
+  sigpacket *q = &start;
+  if (!sig)
   if (need_lock)
     lock ();
-  q->si.si_signo = 0;
-  q->prev->next = q->next;
-  if (q->next)
-    q->next->prev = q->prev;
+  while ((q = q->next))
+    if (q->si.si_signo == sig)
+      {
+       q->si.si_signo = 0;
+       q->prev->next = q->next;
+       if (q->next)
+         q->next->prev = q->prev;
+       queue_left++;
+      }
   if (need_lock)
     unlock ();
@@ -469,6 +487,7 @@ pending_signals::clear (_cygtls *tls)
        q->prev->next = q->next;
        if (q->next)
          q->next->prev = q->prev;
+       queue_left++;
   unlock ();
@@ -509,7 +528,7 @@ sigproc_init ()
   char char_sa_buf[1024];
   PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa = sec_user_nih ((PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) char_sa_buf, 
   DWORD err = fhandler_pipe::create (sa, &my_readsig, &my_sendsig,
-                                    _NSIG * sizeof (sigpacket), "sigwait",
+                                    PIPE_DEPTH * sizeof (sigpacket), "sigwait",
   if (err)
@@ -519,6 +538,8 @@ sigproc_init ()
   ProtectHandle (my_readsig);
   myself->sendsig = my_sendsig;
   my_pendingsigs_evt = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
+  sigflush_evt = CreateEvent (NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
+  sigflush_done_evt = CreateEvent (NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
   if (!my_pendingsigs_evt)
     api_fatal ("couldn't create pending signal event, %E");
@@ -587,6 +608,7 @@ sig_send (_pinfo *p, siginfo_t& si, _cygtls *tls)
   int rc = 1;
   bool its_me;
   HANDLE sendsig;
+  HANDLE mtx;
   sigpacket pack;
   bool communing = si.si_signo == __SIGCOMMUNE;
@@ -745,6 +767,37 @@ sig_send (_pinfo *p, siginfo_t& si, _cygtls *tls)
   unsigned cw_mask;
   cw_mask = == __SIGFLUSHFAST ? 0 : cw_sig_restart;
+  char mtx_name[MAX_PATH];
+  shared_name (mtx_name, "sig_send", p->pid);
+  mtx = CreateMutex (&sec_none_nih, FALSE, mtx_name);
+  cygwait (mtx, INFINITE, cw_mask);
+  if (its_me && si.si_signo == __SIGFLUSHFAST)
+    {
+      /* Currently, __SIGFLUSH is automatically processed in wait_sig() by
+        itself if pending signals exist. Therefore, sending __SIGFLUSH* is
+        not absolutely necessary. So, if there is not enough space in the
+        queue or the pipe, do not send __SIGFLUSHFAST to avoid deadlock. */
+      IO_STATUS_BLOCK io;
+      fpli.WriteQuotaAvailable = 0;
+      NtQueryInformationFile (my_sendsig, &io, &fpli, sizeof (fpli),
+                             FilePipeLocalInformation);
+      int pkts_in_pipe =
+       PIPE_DEPTH - fpli.WriteQuotaAvailable / sizeof (sigpacket);
+      if (sigq.queue_left < pkts_in_pipe + 2
+         || fpli.WriteQuotaAvailable < sizeof (sigpacket))
+       {
+         ReleaseMutex (mtx);
+         CloseHandle (mtx);
+         ResetEvent (sigflush_done_evt);
+         SetEvent (sigflush_evt);
+         cygwait (sigflush_done_evt, INFINITE, cw_mask);
+         rc = 0;
+         goto out;
+       }
+    }
   DWORD nb;
   BOOL res;
   /* Try multiple times to send if packsize != nb since that probably
@@ -754,9 +807,13 @@ sig_send (_pinfo *p, siginfo_t& si, _cygtls *tls)
       res = WriteFile (sendsig, leader, packsize, &nb, NULL);
       if (!res || packsize == nb)
+      ReleaseMutex (mtx);
       cygwait (NULL, 10, cw_mask);
+      cygwait (mtx, INFINITE, cw_mask);
       res = 0;
+  ReleaseMutex (mtx);
+  CloseHandle (mtx);
   if (!res)
@@ -1311,23 +1368,85 @@ talktome (siginfo_t *si)
     new cygthread (commune_process, size, si, "commune");
-/* Add a packet to the beginning of the queue.
+static inline bool
+is_sigsys (int sig)
+  return sig == SIGKILL || sig == SIGSTOP || sig == SIGCONT;
+static inline bool
+is_sigrt (int sig)
+  return sig >= SIGRTMIN && sig <= SIGRTMAX;
+static inline bool
+is_sigsysrt (int sig)
+  return is_sigsys (sig) || is_sigrt (sig);
+/* Add a packet to the end of the queue to process signals
+   in the order they are issued except for SIGRT*.
    Should only be called from signal thread.  */
 pending_signals::add (sigpacket& pack)
-  sigpacket *se;
+  sigpacket *se = NULL, *q = &start;
+  bool queue_once = !is_sigsysrt (
+    && !(global_sigs[].sa_flags & SA_SIGINFO);
-  se = sigs +;
-  if (se->si.si_signo)
-    return;
-  *se = pack;
   lock ();
-  se->next =;
-  se->prev = &start;
-  se->prev->next = se;
-  if (se->next)
-    se->next->prev = se;
+  if ( != SIGKILL)
+    while (q->next)
+      {
+       /* Linux man signal(7) says:
+          "If different real-time signals are sent to a process, they are
+          delivered starting with the lowest-numbered signal." */
+       if (is_sigrt (q->next->si.si_signo) && is_sigrt (
+           && q->next->si.si_signo >
+         break;
+       /* Linux man signal(7) says:
+          "If both standard and real-time signals are pending for a process,
+          POSIX leaves it unspecified which is delivered first.  Linux, like
+          many other implementations, gives priority to standard signals in
+          this case." */
+       if (is_sigrt (q->next->si.si_signo) && !is_sigrt (
+         break;
+       q = q->next;
+       /* Linux man signal(7) says:
+          "if multiple instances of a standard signal are delivered while
+          that signal is currently blocked, then only one instance is
+          queued." */
+       /* POSIX.1-2004 says on sigaction():
+          "If SA_SIGINFO is set in sa_flags, then subsequent occurrences
+          of sig generated by sigqueue() or as a result of any signal-
+          generating function that supports the specification of an
+          application-defined value (when sig is already pending) shall
+          be queued in FIFO order until delivered or accepted;" */
+       if (queue_once && q->si.si_signo ==
+         {
+           unlock ();
+           return;
+         }
+      }
+  assert (queue_left > 0);
+  for (int i = 0; i < SIGQ_DEPTH; i++)
+    if (sigs[i].si.si_signo == 0)
+      {
+       se = sigs + i;
+       *se = pack;
+       break;
+      }
+  assert (se != NULL);
+  queue_left--;
+  if (q->next)
+    q->next->prev = se;
+  se->next = q->next;
+  se->prev = q;
+  q->next = se;
   unlock ();
@@ -1354,12 +1473,14 @@ wait_sig (VOID *)
       DWORD nb;
       sigpacket pack = {};
-      if (sigq.retry)
+      if (sigq.retry || (sigq.queue_left == 0 && !sig_held)) = __SIGFLUSH;
-      else if (
+      else if ( && !sig_held
               && PeekNamedPipe (my_readsig, NULL, 0, NULL, &nb, NULL) && !nb)
-         Sleep (GetTickCount () - t0 > 10 ? 1 : 0);
+         yield ();
+         if (GetTickCount () - t0 > 10)
+           WaitForSingleObject (sigflush_evt, 1);
       else if (!ReadFile (my_readsig, &pack, sizeof (pack), &nb, NULL))
@@ -1505,7 +1626,15 @@ wait_sig (VOID *)
                      q->prev->next = q->next;
                      if (q->next)
                        q->next->prev = q->prev;
+                     sigq.queue_left++;
+                 else if (is_sigsysrt (q->si.si_signo)
+                      || ((global_sigs[q->si.si_signo].sa_flags & SA_SIGINFO)
+                          && NOTSTATE (myself, PID_STOPPED)))
+                   /* Stop processing further to prevent the signals from
+                      being processed in a disorderd manner if the signal
+                      is a realtime signal or SA_SIGINFO is set. */
+                   break;
              sigq.unlock ();
              /* At least one signal still queued?  The event is used in select
@@ -1526,6 +1655,7 @@ wait_sig (VOID *)
       if (clearwait && !have_execed)
        proc_subproc (PROC_CLEARWAIT, 0);
+      SetEvent (sigflush_done_evt);
       if (pack.wakeup)
          sigproc_printf ("signalling pack.wakeup %p", pack.wakeup);

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