On 2025-02-01 08:52, Jon Turney wrote:
On 31/01/2025 03:39, Brian Inglis wrote:
might want to change the older messages to a more general Cygwin-X FAQ reference

I don't really understand how this statement applies to the change suggested?

It is intended for the reviewer as all the entries appear old and not very useful, but I have no idea what else might be better to replace the later ones!

Signed-off-by: Brian Inglis <brian.ing...@systematicsw.ab.ca>
  xfree/cygx-news-new.html | 18 +++++++++---------
  1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/xfree/cygx-news-new.html b/xfree/cygx-news-new.html
index e326fa084c2c..a9ff136ea684 100644
--- a/xfree/cygx-news-new.html
+++ b/xfree/cygx-news-new.html
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-<a href="https://lists.x.org/archives/xorg-announce/2021-October/003115.html";>
-X server 21.1</a> and

Thanks, but:

This is deliberately the major release number.

-<a href="http://lists.x.org/archives/xorg-announce/2012-June/001977.html";>
-X.Org X11 Release 7.7</a>
+<a href="https://lists.x.org/archives/xorg-announce/2024-December/003576.html";>
+X.Org X Server 21.1.15</a> and
+<a href="https://lists.x.org/archives/xorg-announce/2024-July/003521.html";>
+X.Org X11 Release 1.8.10</a>

This is wrong.

R7.7 is the X11 rollup release number (informally called a "katamari"), inherited from the days when X11 was distributed as a monolithic source tree.

Not very useful any more for any one for any reason - even then it was only really a binary flag for current or outdated X releases, especially for commercial Unixen.

This is not the libX11 version number.

  are included in Cygwin.
-Details are available in the announcements
-<a href="https://cygwin.com/pipermail/cygwin-announce/2021- November/010286.html">
-here</a> and
-<a href="http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-xfree-announce/2012-07/msg00001.html";>
+Details are available in the announcements of the respective Cygwin packages
+X.Org Server 21.1.15</a> and
+X.Org X11 refresh</a>.

If I was going to change this, I'd probably just remove it all, since X11 development velocity is slow enough these days that it doesn't really communicate much useful information.

As suggested at the top, maybe just a link to the Cygwin-X FAQ?

I just notice ancient dates and think that is no longer current, informative, or useful - it needs changed to something more current, informative, and useful.
That keeps me posting patches, and ITAs if I need or use a package! ;^>

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis              Calgary, Alberta, Canada

La perfection est atteinte                   Perfection is achieved
non pas lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à ajouter  not when there is no more to add
mais lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à retrancher  but when there is no more to cut
                                -- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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