This program provides an up-to-the-moment load average measurement.  The
user can take 1 sample, or obtain the average of N samples by number or
time duration.  There is a daemon mode to have the global load average
stats updated such that 'uptime' and other tools provide a more reasonable
load average calculation over time.

A release note is provided for Cygwin 3.5.5.
Documentation for doc/utils.xml is pending.

Reported-by: Mark Liam Brown <>
Signed-off-by: Mark Geisert <>
Fixes: N/A (new code)

 winsup/cygwin/release/3.5.5 |   8 +
 winsup/utils/    |   2 +
 winsup/utils/loadavg.c      | 380 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 390 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 winsup/utils/loadavg.c

diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/release/3.5.5 b/winsup/cygwin/release/3.5.5
index a83ea7d8a..7db82631d 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/release/3.5.5
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/release/3.5.5
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+What's New:
+- New tool loadavg that provides up-to-the-moment load average measurement.
+  It also has a daemon mode to continuously update the global load average.
+  Addresses:
diff --git a/winsup/utils/ b/winsup/utils/
index 57a4f377c..3cb2f6bac 100644
--- a/winsup/utils/
+++ b/winsup/utils/
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ bin_PROGRAMS = \
        gmondump \
        kill \
        ldd \
+       loadavg \
        locale \
        lsattr \
        minidumper \
@@ -82,6 +83,7 @@ dumper_CXXFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/../include $(AM_CXXFLAGS)
 dumper_LDADD = $(LDADD) -lpsapi -lntdll -lbfd @BFD_LIBS@
 dumper_LDFLAGS =
 ldd_LDADD = $(LDADD) -lpsapi -lntdll
+loadavg_LDADD = $(LDADD) -lpdh
 minidumper_LDADD = $(LDADD) -ldbghelp
 pldd_LDADD = $(LDADD) -lpsapi
diff --git a/winsup/utils/loadavg.c b/winsup/utils/loadavg.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bc3ffe1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/winsup/utils/loadavg.c
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+    loadavg.c
+    Outputs to stdout an estimate of current cpu load
+    Written by Mark Geisert <>
+    h/t to Jon Turney for Cygwin's which served as a model
+    This file is part of Cygwin.
+    This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the
+    Cygwin license.  Please consult the file "CYGWIN_LICENSE" for details.
+#define _GNU_SOURCE
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/cygwin.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <pdh.h>
+int once    = 0;
+int samples = 0;
+int verbose = 0;
+SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo;
+#define PIDFILE "/var/run/"
+#define PDHMSGFILE "/usr/include/w32api/pdhmsg.h"
+/* the following assumes standard 64Hz NT kernel counter update rate */
+#define UPDATES_PER_MSEC 0.064
+#define UPDATES_PER_SEC  64
+#define UPDATES_PER_MIN  3840
+#define UPDATES_PER_HOUR 230400
+PDH_HQUERY query;
+PDH_HCOUNTER counter1;
+PDH_HCOUNTER counter2;
+#define c1name  L"\\Processor(_Total)\\% Processor Time"
+#define c1namex L"\\Processor Information(_Total)\\% Processor Time"
+#define c2name  L"\\System\\Processor Queue Length"
+usage (void)
+  printf ("Loadavg estimates current system load average by sampling certain 
+  printf ("kernel counters over time.  The counters are updated 64 times per 
+  printf ("\n");
+  printf ("Usage: loadavg                           take one sample\n");
+  printf ("\n");
+  printf ("       loadavg [ -v ] <count>            take <count> samples\n");
+  printf ("       loadavg [ -v ] <number>h|m|s|ms   take samples for <number> 
+  printf ("           (specifying -v displays every sample taken)\n");
+  printf ("\n");
+  printf ("       loadavg -h                        this help message\n");
+  printf ("       loadavg -d                        daemon (background) 
+  printf ("           (ensures 1/5/15-minute load averages computed for 
+  printf ("       loadavg -k                        terminates the daemon\n");
+/* Convert PDH error status to PDH error name, if possible */
+char *
+pdh_status (PDH_STATUS err)
+  static FILE *f = NULL;
+  static char  buf[132];
+  static char  hexcode[32];
+         char  line[132];
+         char  prefix[80];
+         char  middle[80];
+  static char  suffix[80];
+  snprintf (hexcode, sizeof hexcode, "0x%X", err);
+  if (strstr (suffix, hexcode))
+    goto done; /* same as last time called */
+  if (f)
+    (void) fseek (f, 0, SEEK_SET);
+  else
+    f = fopen (PDHMSGFILE, "r");
+  if (!f)
+    goto bail;
+  while (!feof (f)) {
+    (void) fgets (line, (sizeof line) - 1, f);
+    if (strncmp (line, "#define PDH_", 12))
+      continue;
+    if (!strstr (line, hexcode))
+      continue;
+    int num = sscanf (line, "%s %s %s", prefix, middle, suffix);
+    if (num != 3)
+      continue;
+    snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "returns %s", middle);
+    goto done;
+  }
+  snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "returns %s", hexcode);
+  return buf;
+/* Initialize state for reading counters once or many times */
+load_init (void)
+  static bool tried       = false;
+  static bool initialized = false;
+  if (!tried)
+    {
+      tried = true;
+      PDH_STATUS ret = PdhOpenQueryW (NULL, 0, &query);
+      if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+       fprintf (stderr, "PdhOpenQueryW %s\n", pdh_status (ret));
+       return false;
+      }
+      /* The Windows name for counter1 can vary.. look for both alternatives */
+      ret = PdhAddEnglishCounterW (query, c1name, 0, &counter1);
+      if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+       fprintf (stderr, "PdhAddEnglishCounterW#1 %s\n", pdh_status (ret));
+       ret = PdhAddEnglishCounterW (query, c1namex, 0, &counter1);
+       if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+         fprintf (stderr, "PdhAddEnglishCounterW#1 %s\n", pdh_status (ret));
+         return false;
+       }
+      }
+      /* What we call counter2 might be missing.. carry on anyway */
+      ret = PdhAddEnglishCounterW (query, c2name, 0, &counter2);
+      if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+       fprintf (stderr, "PdhAddEnglishCounterW#2 %s\n", pdh_status (ret));
+      }
+      GetSystemInfo (&sysinfo); /* get system number of processors, etc. */
+      initialized = true;
+      /* obtain+discard first sample now; avoids PDH_INVALID_DATA in get_load 
+      (void) PdhCollectQueryData (query); /* i.o.w. take the error here */
+      /* Delay a short time so PdhCQD in caller will have data to collect */
+      Sleep (16/*ms*/); /* let other procs run; one|more yield()s not enough */
+    }
+  return initialized;
+/* estimate the current load based on certain counter values */
+get_load (void)
+  PDH_STATUS ret = PdhCollectQueryData (query);
+  if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+    fprintf (stderr, "PdhCollectQueryData %s\n", pdh_status (ret));
+    return 0.0;
+  }
+  /* Estimate the number of running processes as
+     (NumberOfProcessors) * (% Processor Time) */
+  ret = PdhGetFormattedCounterValue (counter1, PDH_FMT_DOUBLE, NULL, 
+  if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+    fprintf (stderr, "PdhGetFormattedCounterValue#1 %s\n", pdh_status (ret));
+    return 0.0;
+  }
+  double ncpus = (double) sysinfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
+  if (verbose) {
+    fprintf (stdout, "%llu ", GetTickCount64 ());
+    fprintf (stdout, "ncpus: %d, %%ptime: %3.2f, ", (int) ncpus,
+                    fmtvalue1.doubleValue);
+  }
+  double running = fmtvalue1.doubleValue * ncpus / 100.0;
+  /* Estimate the number of runnable threads as
+     (ProcessorQueueLength) / (NumberOfProcessors) */
+  double rql = 0.0;
+  ret = PdhGetFormattedCounterValue (counter2, PDH_FMT_LONG, NULL, &fmtvalue2);
+  if (ret == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+    rql = (double) fmtvalue2.longValue;
+    rql /= ncpus; /* make the measure a per-cpu queue length */
+  } else {
+    ++once; /* counter is missing; just print an error message once (below) */
+  }
+  double load = running + rql;
+  if (verbose ) {
+    fprintf (stdout, "running: %3.2f, effrql: %3.2f, load: %3.2f\n",
+                    running, rql, load);
+  }
+  if (once == 1)
+    fprintf (stderr, "PdhGetFormattedCounterValue#2 %s\n", pdh_status (ret));
+  ++samples;
+  return load;
+start_daemon (void)
+  char  buf[132];
+  int   fd = -1;
+  pid_t pid = 0;
+  fd = open (PIDFILE, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL);
+  if (fd == -1) {
+    fd = open (PIDFILE, O_RDONLY);
+    if (fd == -1) {
+      fprintf (stderr, "unable to open pid file\n");
+      return 1;
+    }
+    memset (buf, 0, sizeof buf);
+    read (fd, buf, sizeof buf);
+    close (fd);
+    pid = atoi (buf);
+    /* does pid still exist? */
+    if (kill (pid, 0) == 0) {
+      fprintf (stderr, "daemon already running as pid %d\n", pid);
+      return 1;
+    }
+    unlink (PIDFILE);
+    goto top;
+  }
+  fchmod (fd, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH);
+  (void) daemon (0, 0);
+  /* this code runs in the daemon; the parent process has exited via daemon() 
+  snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "%d", getpid ());
+  write (fd, buf, strlen (buf));
+  /* don't close(fd).. keep it open to protect against another daemon */
+  double loadavg[3];
+  while (1) {
+    (void) getloadavg (loadavg, 3);
+    sleep (5/*seconds*/);
+  }
+  return 0;
+stop_daemon (void)
+  char     buf[132];
+  int      fd = -1;
+  ssize_t  len = 0;
+  pid_t    pid = 0;
+  char    *winpath = NULL;
+  fd = open (PIDFILE, O_RDONLY);
+  if (fd == -1) {
+    fprintf (stderr, "unable to open pid file\n");
+    return 1;
+  }
+  memset (buf, 0, sizeof buf);
+  read (fd, buf, sizeof buf);
+  close (fd);
+  pid = atoi (buf);
+  /* does pid still exist? */
+  if (kill (pid, 0) == -1) {
+    fprintf (stderr, "daemon pid %d already gone\n", pid);
+    unlink (PIDFILE);
+    return 1;
+  }
+  /* using kill() to terminate the daemon fails (why?); work around that */
+  winpath = getenv ("SYSTEMROOT");
+  len = cygwin_conv_path (CCP_WIN_A_TO_POSIX | CCP_PROC_CYGDRIVE,
+                          winpath, buf, sizeof buf);
+  len = strlen (buf);
+  snprintf (&buf[len], (sizeof buf) - len,
+            "/System32/taskkill /f /pid `cat /proc/%d/winpid`", pid);
+  fprintf (stdout, "Windows says: ");
+  fflush (stdout);
+  system (buf);
+  /* if pid is gone, delete pid file */
+  if (kill (pid, 0) == -1)
+    unlink (PIDFILE);
+  return 0;
+main (int argc, char **argv)
+  (void) setvbuf (stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 120);
+  if (!load_init ())
+    return 1;
+  /* If program launched with no args, print load once and exit; else loop */
+  if (argc == 1)
+    fprintf (stdout, "%3.2f\n", get_load ());
+  else {
+    int     arg = 1;
+    while (arg < argc && argv[arg][0] == '-') {
+      switch (argv[arg][1]) {
+      case '\000':
+       goto bail;
+      case 'd':
+       if (arg != 1 || (arg != argc - 1))
+         goto bail;
+       return start_daemon ();
+      case 'k':
+        if (arg != 1 || (arg != argc - 1))
+          goto bail;
+       return stop_daemon ();
+      case 'h':
+       usage ();
+       return 0;
+      case 'v':
+       ++verbose;
+       break;
+      }
+      ++arg;
+    }
+    if (arg != argc - 1) {
+      usage ();
+      return 1;
+    }
+    /* deal with last arg whether it's a number or a duration */
+    int     count;
+    double  number = 0.0;
+    char   *ptr = argv[arg];
+    char    units[80];
+    units[0] = '\000';
+    int num = sscanf (ptr, "%lg%s", &number, units);
+    switch (num) {
+    case 1: /* arg looks like just a number */
+      if (number > 0.0 && !strlen (units))
+       goto ready;
+      // fallthru
+    case 0: /* arg looks like garbage of some kind */
+      goto bail;
+    case 2: /* arg looks like it could be a duration */
+      if (!strcmp (units, "h"))
+       number *= UPDATES_PER_HOUR;
+      else if (!strcmp (units, "m"))
+       number *= UPDATES_PER_MIN;
+      else if (!strcmp (units, "s"))
+       number *= UPDATES_PER_SEC;
+      else if (!strcmp (units, "ms"))
+       number *= UPDATES_PER_MSEC;
+      else
+       goto bail;
+      // fallthru
+    }
+    count = (int) ceil (number);
+    double totload = 0.0;
+    while (samples < count) {
+      totload += get_load ();
+      Sleep (11/*ms*/); /* tested best at capturing a sample every 15|16ms */
+    }
+    fprintf (stdout, "%3.2f\n", totload / samples);
+  }
+  return 0;

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