On 11/12/2022 14:45, Johannes Schindelin wrote:
On December 11, 2022 2:54:02 PM GMT+01:00, Jon Turney 
<jon.tur...@dronecode.org.uk> wrote:
On 05/12/2022 15:23, Johannes Schindelin wrote:
On Mon, 28 Nov 2022, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Nov 28 13:00, Jon Turney wrote:
On 15/11/2022 10:46, Corinna Vinschen wrote:

It would be great if we could get used to using the same syntax as the
Linux kernel project to document stuff.  I'm trying to follow their lead
for a while.  For fixes to former commits, it looks like this in the
kernel, at the end of the commit message:

Fixes: 123456789012 ("title of commit 123456789012")

Yeah, core.abbrev is 12 digits.  I'm using this setting for quite some
time locally.

Sounds good.  Is there some script to automate generating this kind of
comment from a commit-id?

I don't think so, at least I don't see anything like that in git docs...

It's note _quite_ what you asked for, but `git show --pretty=reference -s
<commit>` (https://git-scm.com/docs/git-show#_pretty_formats) gives you
_almost_ what you are looking for.

But you can always call `git show -s --format='%h ("%s")' <commit>`, and
even configure an alias for this:

        git config --global alias.pretty-print-commit \
                "-c core.abbrev=12 show -s --format='%h (\"%s\")'"


I added '-c core.pager=', but this is what I was looking for, to save a
bit of copying and pasting and editing.

Better use `git -P`, then... (see 
https://git-scm.com/docs/git#Documentation/git.txt--P for full details)

I started off with that, but that fails when used with:

fatal: alias 'pretty-print-commit' changes environment variables.
You can use '!git' in the alias to do this

... which I'm sure tells me the right way to write this :)

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