Hi Ken,

Thank you for testing.

On Sun, 1 Sep 2019 15:13:47 +0000
Ken Brown wrote:
> On 8/31/2019 6:54 PM, Takashi Yano wrote:
> > Pseudo console support in test release TEST: Cygwin 3.1.0-0.3,
> > introduced by commit 169d65a5774acc76ce3f3feeedcbae7405aa9b57,
> > has some bugs which cause mismatch between state variables and
> > real pseudo console state regarding console attaching and r/w
> > pipe switching. This patch fixes this issue by redesigning the
> > state management.
> After applying this patch, I get the following in mintty:
> $ cygcheck -cd | grep bash
> grep: write error: Bad file descriptor
> Further commands after that lead to the cursor jumping around.

I have fixed this problem. I will post it as v3 patch soon.

> Here's a second glitch I've noticed (starting with commit 
> 169d65a5774acc76ce3f3feeedcbae7405aa9b57): In emacs, if I run a command that 
> uses compilation mode, the output displayed in the compilation buffer starts 
> with ^[[H^[[J.  Here ^[ is the escape character, so this is apparently the 
> two 
> ANSI escape sequences ESC[H and ESC[J.
> Sample commands that use compilation mode are 'M-x compile', 'M-x rgrep', and 
> 'M-x find-name-directory'.  I can provide more detailed reproduction 
> instructions if you're not an emacs user.

Hmmm, it seems that ANSI escape sequences are not recognized in emacs.

> 'M-x find-name-directory'
Do you mean find-name-dired ?

Takashi Yano <takashi.y...@nifty.ne.jp>

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