Hi Takashi,

On Mar 31 15:20, Takashi Yano wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to propose 3 patches attached to improve console code.

Not a hard requirement, but it would be nice if you could send your
patches as patchset with cover letter via `git send-email' from the
git-email package or in the same style.  See, e. g.

This really simplifies review, discussion and applying patches.
With attached patches, replying to a patch does not quote the patch
so inline commenting is pretty tricky.  Thanks for considering.

Having said that, this is a snippet from patch 1:

+      /* Check if 24bit color is available */
+      DWORD dwVersion = GetVersion ();
+      dwVersion = (LOBYTE (LOWORD (dwVersion)) << 24)
+       | (HIBYTE (LOWORD (dwVersion)) << 16) | HIWORD (dwVersion);
+      if (dwVersion >= ((10 << 24) | (0 << 16) | 14931))
+       {
+         con.cap24bit_color = true;

OS features or bug tests should be performed via wincap, see wincap.cc
and wincap.h.  We do not care for Windows test release, so this should
be enabled for W10 1703 and later.  Just add an "has_con_24bit_colors"(*)
flag to the wincaps struct and set it to false on older Windows
versions, true otherwise.  So the above code snippet can go away and
in subsequent code just check for wincap.has_con_24bit_colors ().

(*) exact name of the flag is your choice

+         /* If system has 24bit color capability,
+            use xterm compatible mode. */
+         setenv ("TERM", "xterm-256color", 1);

Having the 24bit color capability check in wincap also means, setting
TERM could be moved into environ.cc, function win32env_to_cygenv()
where we already set TERM=cygwin.  This could then be done conditionally
based on the wincap.has_con_24bit_colors check.

Patch 2:  Looks good, just a question:

+                 if (mouse_event.dwEventFlags == MOUSE_MOVED)
+                   {
+                     b = con.last_button_code;
+                   }
+                 else if (mouse_event.dwButtonState < con.dwLastButtonState && 
+                   {
+                     b = 3;
+                     strcpy (sz, "btn up");
+                   }
+                 else if ((mouse_event.dwButtonState & 1) != 
(con.dwLastButtonState & 1))
+                   {
+                     b = 0;
+                     strcpy (sz, "btn1 down");
+                   }
+                 else if ((mouse_event.dwButtonState & 2) != 
(con.dwLastButtonState & 2))
+                   {
+                     b = 2;
+                     strcpy (sz, "btn2 down");
+                   }
+                 else if ((mouse_event.dwButtonState & 4) != 
(con.dwLastButtonState & 4))
+                   {
+                     b = 1;
+                     strcpy (sz, "btn3 down");
+                   }

This is not your code but while you're at it, would you mind to reformat
to 80 chars line length max?  Thanks!

Patch 3:  Looks good.


Corinna Vinschen
Cygwin Maintainer

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