Hi Daniel,

any news?


On Jan 14 16:17, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On Jan 11 16:38, Daniel Havey wrote:
> > Hi Corinna,
> > I can see your email on the archive, but, I never received it in my
> > gmail account (not even in a spam folder).  I think the Internet ate
> > your message.
> No, I only sent the reply to the list.  It's customary in the Cygwin
> mailing lists not to CC the original poster, unless the poster requests
> it.  I CCed you now, of course.
> > Yes Windows :).  I'm the Program Manager for Windows 10 transports and
> > IP.  Anything in layers 4 or 3.
> Cool.  I'm glad for any input from "upstream" :)
> > We can help you with network stack in
> > the current release of Windows 10.  Downlevel is more difficult.  I'm
> > not sure about the answer to your question on the size of wmem.  I
> > don't think that there is a static value that will work in all cases
> > since Windows TCP will send 1 BDP worth of data per RTT.  If the BDP
> > is large then the static value could easily be too small and if the
> > BDP is small then the static value could easily be too large.  It will
> > take some digging to figure out what the best practice is.  I will do
> > some digging and let you know the results.
> I'm really looking forward to it!
> > In the mean time I will apply your recommendations to my patch and repost 
> > it.
> Same here.   Thanks a lot for fixing another of those pesky "Cygwin is
> slow" problems :)))
> Corinna
> -- 
> Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
> Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
> Red Hat

Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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