On Jun  9 10:07, Ken Brown wrote:
> On 6/9/2016 8:32 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > Can you please define crypt, encrypt and setkey explicitely in unistd.h
> > per POSIX, rather than including crypt.h?  This would not only be target
> > independent, it would also be more correct.  As a side effect I will
> > have to come up with a new version of the crypt package, because our
> > crypt.h is using a wrong prototypes for setkey (const is missing).
> setkey is supposed to be in stdlib.h rather than unistd.h, so I've done
> that.
> One minor question about encrypt: The Posix prototype has 'char block[64]'
> as the first argument, but Cygwin's crypt.h simply has 'char *block'.
> FreeBSD and glibc also use 'char *block', so I did the same. Or would you
> rather follow Posix here?

As Eric outlined it's the same anyway so let's just stick to char*.

> > Thanks a lot and sorry again,
> No problem.  Revised patch attached.

Applied, thank you.  I also uploaded a matching new crypt package
(version 1.4-1).


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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