Third time lucky - pasting inline into email and resending to all previous 

Please note that conversion into too-small buffer size in regression test may 
not have expected result!

Tried to build with below and variants:
gcc -D_REGRESSION_TEST -D_COMPILING_NEWLIB -Dsniprintf=snprintf 
-I/usr/src/cygwin-2.2.1-1.src/newlib-cygwin/winsup/cygwin/include -o 
strftime-s-test strftime.c
gives undef refs for __cygwin_gettzname, __cygwin_gettzoffset, 
__get_current_time_locale, __tz_lock, __tz_unlock,

Build stc with std cmdline and current strftime works and does demo issue.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Fwd: Re: Bash unable to print epoch timestamp
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2015 14:32:44 -0600
From: Brian Inglis <>
Organisation: Systematic Software

Already forwarded as below to cygwin and ...patches-allow...
- should be HTML free and pass filters?
Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: Bash unable to print epoch timestamp
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2015 18:08:52 -0600
From: Brian Inglis <>
Organisation: Systematic Software

Corinna Vinschen <corinna-cygwin <at>> wrote:
On Oct 22 07:03, Brian Inglis wrote:
Brian Inglis <Brian.Inglis <at>> writes:
> Don Harrop <don <at>> writes:
> > Bash outputs no value when using it's built in method of printing an
> > "epoch" timestamp.
> > BashCommandLine#: printf '%(%s)T' -1
> bash printf depends on underlying strftime in newlib, which does not support
> %s, as it is conditional on _WANT_C99_TIME_FORMATS being defined, and that
> is presumably not defined in the config, as %s is not shown in man strftime.
> Workaround for now is use
> date +%s
> for current time, and
> date -d $(printf '%(%T)T' -2) +%s
> for shell invocation time.
> %s, as it is conditional on _WANT_C99_TIME_FORMATS being defined, and that
Wrong! Misread the code, strftime %s is not supported!

STC and suggested patch appended (posting from gmane), compiles, but can't
build STC as ld fails with undef refs, and I don't know all the correct
LD..., -L and -l incantations. Email me for original files.
Cool, thanks for the patch. Unfortunately it doesn't apply cleanly.
There are several unexpected line wraps and there's this:
--- a/newlib/time/strftime.c 2015-08-20 03:39:24.000000000 -0600
+++ b/newlib/time/strftime.c 2015-10-21 20:15:22.367453000 -0600
How did this happen? If you checkout the newlib-cygwin git repo,
strftime.c is under newlib/libc/time, not under newlib/time :o

Tried to download and build from source tarball, then cygport, then
local source file, but some unobvious build prereqs missing in all
cases, as reported by ld. Finally just diffed local source against
distro and posted from gmane, with attempted fixups in the post.

Would you mind to attach a patch generated with git format-patch?

Sorry, not using git yet, as I am set up with hg on BitBucket
- AIUI the output is close enough the attached should work okay.

[cc ...patches-allow...]

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

----- >8 ----- 8< -----
/* newlib/libc/time/strftime.c %s format STC */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

int main( int argc, char **argv) {
    char ss[BUFSIZ]     = "";
    time_t tt           = time( NULL );
    struct tm *tp       = gmtime( &tt );
    tt                  = mktime( tp );
    size_t st           = strftime( ss, sizeof ss, "%s", tp);
    int rc              = puts( ss );
    st                  = strftime( ss, sizeof ss, "%T", tp);
    rc                  = puts( ss );
    return rc;
----- >8 ----- 8< -----
2015-10-12  Brian Inglis  <>

        * newlib/libc/time/strftime.c (__strftime): add support for %s
        (seconds from Unix epoch)

--- a/newlib/libc/time/strftime.c       1969-12-31 17:00:00.000000000 -0700
+++ b/newlib/libc/time/strftime.c       2015-10-26 04:27:12.244016200 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,1903 @@
+/* NOTE:  This file defines both strftime() and wcsftime().  Take care when
+ * making changes.  See also wcsftime.c, and note the (small) overlap in the
+ * manual description, taking care to edit both as needed.  */
+ * strftime.c
+ * Original Author:    G. Haley
+ * Additions from:     Eric Blake
+ * Changes to allow dual use as wcstime, also: Craig Howland
+ *
+ * Places characters into the array pointed to by s as controlled by the string
+ * pointed to by format. If the total number of resulting characters including
+ * the terminating null character is not more than maxsize, returns the number
+ * of characters placed into the array pointed to by s (not including the
+ * terminating null character); otherwise zero is returned and the contents of
+ * the array indeterminate.
+ */
+<<strftime>>---convert date and time to a formatted string
+       strftime
+       #include <time.h>
+       size_t strftime(char *restrict <[s]>, size_t <[maxsize]>,
+                       const char *restrict <[format]>,
+                        const struct tm *restrict <[timp]>);
+       #include <time.h>
+       size_t strftime(<[s]>, <[maxsize]>, <[format]>, <[timp]>)
+       char *<[s]>;
+       size_t <[maxsize]>;
+       char *<[format]>;
+       struct tm *<[timp]>;
+<<strftime>> converts a <<struct tm>> representation of the time (at
+<[timp]>) into a null-terminated string, starting at <[s]> and occupying
+no more than <[maxsize]> characters.
+You control the format of the output using the string at <[format]>.
+<<*<[format]>>> can contain two kinds of specifications: text to be
+copied literally into the formatted string, and time conversion
+specifications.  Time conversion specifications are two- and
+three-character sequences beginning with `<<%>>' (use `<<%%>>' to
+include a percent sign in the output).  Each defined conversion
+specification selects only the specified field(s) of calendar time
+data from <<*<[timp]>>>, and converts it to a string in one of the
+following ways:
+o %a
+The abbreviated weekday name according to the current locale. [tm_wday]
+o %A
+The full weekday name according to the current locale.
+In the default "C" locale, one of `<<Sunday>>', `<<Monday>>', `<<Tuesday>>',
+`<<Wednesday>>', `<<Thursday>>', `<<Friday>>', `<<Saturday>>'. [tm_wday]
+o %b
+The abbreviated month name according to the current locale. [tm_mon]
+o %B
+The full month name according to the current locale.
+In the default "C" locale, one of `<<January>>', `<<February>>',
+`<<March>>', `<<April>>', `<<May>>', `<<June>>', `<<July>>',
+`<<August>>', `<<September>>', `<<October>>', `<<November>>',
+`<<December>>'. [tm_mon]
+o %c
+The preferred date and time representation for the current locale.
+[tm_sec, tm_min, tm_hour, tm_mday, tm_mon, tm_year, tm_wday]
+o %C
+The century, that is, the year divided by 100 then truncated.  For
+4-digit years, the result is zero-padded and exactly two characters;
+but for other years, there may a negative sign or more digits.  In
+this way, `<<%C%y>>' is equivalent to `<<%Y>>'. [tm_year]
+o %d
+The day of the month, formatted with two digits (from `<<01>>' to
+`<<31>>'). [tm_mday]
+o %D
+A string representing the date, in the form `<<"%m/%d/%y">>'.
+[tm_mday, tm_mon, tm_year]
+o %e
+The day of the month, formatted with leading space if single digit
+(from `<<1>>' to `<<31>>'). [tm_mday]
+o %E<<x>>
+In some locales, the E modifier selects alternative representations of
+certain modifiers <<x>>.  In newlib, it is ignored, and treated as %<<x>>.
+o %F
+A string representing the ISO 8601:2000 date format, in the form
+`<<"%Y-%m-%d">>'. [tm_mday, tm_mon, tm_year]
+o %g
+The last two digits of the week-based year, see specifier %G (from
+`<<00>>' to `<<99>>'). [tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday]
+o %G
+The week-based year. In the ISO 8601:2000 calendar, week 1 of the year
+includes January 4th, and begin on Mondays. Therefore, if January 1st,
+2nd, or 3rd falls on a Sunday, that day and earlier belong to the last
+week of the previous year; and if December 29th, 30th, or 31st falls
+on Monday, that day and later belong to week 1 of the next year.  For
+consistency with %Y, it always has at least four characters.
+Example: "%G" for Saturday 2nd January 1999 gives "1998", and for
+Tuesday 30th December 1997 gives "1998". [tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday]
+o %h
+Synonym for "%b". [tm_mon]
+o %H
+The hour (on a 24-hour clock), formatted with two digits (from
+`<<00>>' to `<<23>>'). [tm_hour]
+o %I
+The hour (on a 12-hour clock), formatted with two digits (from
+`<<01>>' to `<<12>>'). [tm_hour]
+o %j
+The count of days in the year, formatted with three digits
+(from `<<001>>' to `<<366>>'). [tm_yday]
+o %k
+The hour (on a 24-hour clock), formatted with leading space if single
+digit (from `<<0>>' to `<<23>>'). Non-POSIX extension (c.p. %I). [tm_hour]
+o %l
+The hour (on a 12-hour clock), formatted with leading space if single
+digit (from `<<1>>' to `<<12>>'). Non-POSIX extension (c.p. %H). [tm_hour]
+o %m
+The month number, formatted with two digits (from `<<01>>' to `<<12>>').
+o %M
+The minute, formatted with two digits (from `<<00>>' to `<<59>>'). [tm_min]
+o %n
+A newline character (`<<\n>>').
+o %O<<x>>
+In some locales, the O modifier selects alternative digit characters
+for certain modifiers <<x>>.  In newlib, it is ignored, and treated as %<<x>>.
+o %p
+Either `<<AM>>' or `<<PM>>' as appropriate, or the corresponding strings for
+the current locale. [tm_hour]
+o %P
+Same as '<<%p>>', but in lowercase.  This is a GNU extension. [tm_hour]
+o %r
+Replaced by the time in a.m. and p.m. notation.  In the "C" locale this
+is equivalent to "%I:%M:%S %p".  In locales which don't define a.m./p.m.
+notations, the result is an empty string. [tm_sec, tm_min, tm_hour]
+o %R
+The 24-hour time, to the minute.  Equivalent to "%H:%M". [tm_min, tm_hour]
+o %s
+The time elapsed, in seconds, since the start of the Unix epoch at
+1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
+o %S
+The second, formatted with two digits (from `<<00>>' to `<<60>>').  The
+value 60 accounts for the occasional leap second. [tm_sec]
+o %t
+A tab character (`<<\t>>').
+o %T
+The 24-hour time, to the second.  Equivalent to "%H:%M:%S". [tm_sec,
+tm_min, tm_hour]
+o %u
+The weekday as a number, 1-based from Monday (from `<<1>>' to
+`<<7>>'). [tm_wday]
+o %U
+The week number, where weeks start on Sunday, week 1 contains the first
+Sunday in a year, and earlier days are in week 0.  Formatted with two
+digits (from `<<00>>' to `<<53>>').  See also <<%W>>. [tm_wday, tm_yday]
+o %V
+The week number, where weeks start on Monday, week 1 contains January 4th,
+and earlier days are in the previous year.  Formatted with two digits
+(from `<<01>>' to `<<53>>').  See also <<%G>>. [tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday]
+o %w
+The weekday as a number, 0-based from Sunday (from `<<0>>' to `<<6>>').
+o %W
+The week number, where weeks start on Monday, week 1 contains the first
+Monday in a year, and earlier days are in week 0.  Formatted with two
+digits (from `<<00>>' to `<<53>>'). [tm_wday, tm_yday]
+o %x
+Replaced by the preferred date representation in the current locale.
+In the "C" locale this is equivalent to "%m/%d/%y".
+[tm_mon, tm_mday, tm_year]
+o %X
+Replaced by the preferred time representation in the current locale.
+In the "C" locale this is equivalent to "%H:%M:%S". [tm_sec, tm_min, tm_hour]
+o %y
+The last two digits of the year (from `<<00>>' to `<<99>>'). [tm_year]
+(Implementation interpretation:  always positive, even for negative years.)
+o %Y
+The full year, equivalent to <<%C%y>>.  It will always have at least four
+characters, but may have more.  The year is accurate even when tm_year
+added to the offset of 1900 overflows an int. [tm_year]
+o %z
+The offset from UTC.  The format consists of a sign (negative is west of
+Greewich), two characters for hour, then two characters for minutes
+(-hhmm or +hhmm).  If tm_isdst is negative, the offset is unknown and no
+output is generated; if it is zero, the offset is the standard offset for
+the current time zone; and if it is positive, the offset is the daylight
+savings offset for the current timezone. The offset is determined from
+the TZ environment variable, as if by calling tzset(). [tm_isdst]
+o %Z
+The time zone name.  If tm_isdst is negative, no output is generated.
+Otherwise, the time zone name is based on the TZ environment variable,
+as if by calling tzset(). [tm_isdst]
+o %%
+A single character, `<<%>>'.
+When the formatted time takes up no more than <[maxsize]> characters,
+the result is the length of the formatted string.  Otherwise, if the
+formatting operation was abandoned due to lack of room, the result is
+<<0>>, and the string starting at <[s]> corresponds to just those
+parts of <<*<[format]>>> that could be completely filled in within the
+<[maxsize]> limit.
+ANSI C requires <<strftime>>, but does not specify the contents of
+<<*<[s]>>> when the formatted string would require more than
+<[maxsize]> characters.  Unrecognized specifiers and fields of
+<<timp>> that are out of range cause undefined results.  Since some
+formats expand to 0 bytes, it is wise to set <<*<[s]>>> to a nonzero
+value beforehand to distinguish between failure and an empty string.
+This implementation does not support <<s>> being NULL, nor overlapping
+<<s>> and <<format>>.
+<<strftime>> requires no supporting OS subroutines.
+<<strftime>> ignores the LC_TIME category of the current locale, hard-coding
+the "C" locale settings.
+#include <newlib.h>
+#include <sys/config.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <wctype.h>
+#include "local.h"
+#include "../locale/timelocal.h"
+/* Defines to make the file dual use for either strftime() or wcsftime().
+ * To get wcsftime, define MAKE_WCSFTIME.
+ * To get strftime, do not define MAKE_WCSFTIME.
+ * Names are kept friendly to strftime() usage.  The biggest ugliness is the
+ * use of the CQ() macro to make either regular character constants and
+ * string literals or wide-character constants and wide-character-string
+ * literals, as appropriate.  */
+#if !defined(MAKE_WCSFTIME)
+#  define CHAR         char            /* string type basis */
+#  define CQ(a)                a               /* character constant qualifier 
+#  define SFLG                         /* %s flag (null for normal char) */
+#  define _ctloc(x) (ctloclen = strlen (ctloc = _CurrentTimeLocale->x), ctloc)
+#  define snprintf     sniprintf       /* avoid to pull in FP functions. */
+#  define TOLOWER(c)   tolower((int)(unsigned char)(c))
+#  define STRTOUL(c,p,b) strtoul((c),(p),(b))
+#  define STRCPY(a,b)  strcpy((a),(b))
+#  define STRCHR(a,b)  strchr((a),(b))
+#  define STRLEN(a)    strlen(a)
+# else
+#  define strftime     wcsftime        /* Alternate function name */
+#  define CHAR         wchar_t         /* string type basis */
+#  define CQ(a)                L##a            /* character constant qualifier 
+#  define snprintf     swprintf        /* wide-char equivalent function name */
+#  define strncmp      wcsncmp         /* wide-char equivalent function name */
+#  define TOLOWER(c)   towlower((wint_t)(c))
+#  define STRTOUL(c,p,b) wcstoul((c),(p),(b))
+#  define STRCPY(a,b)  wcscpy((a),(b))
+#  define STRCHR(a,b)  wcschr((a),(b))
+#  define STRLEN(a)    wcslen(a)
+#  define SFLG         "l"           /* %s flag (l for wide char) */
+#   define _ctloc(x) (ctloclen = wcslen (ctloc = _CurrentTimeLocale->w##x), \
+                     ctloc)
+#  else
+#   define CTLOCBUFLEN   256           /* Arbitrary big buffer size */
+    const wchar_t *
+    __ctloc (wchar_t *buf, const char *elem, size_t *len_ret)
+    {
+      buf[CTLOCBUFLEN - 1] = L'\0';
+      *len_ret = mbstowcs (buf, elem, CTLOCBUFLEN - 1);
+      if (*len_ret == (size_t) -1 )
+       *len_ret = 0;
+      return buf;
+    }
+#   define _ctloc(x) (ctloc = __ctloc (ctlocbuf, _CurrentTimeLocale->x, \
+                     &ctloclen))
+#  endif
+#endif  /* MAKE_WCSFTIME */
+#define CHECK_LENGTH() if (len < 0 || (count += len) >= maxsize) \
+                         return 0
+/* Enforce the coding assumptions that YEAR_BASE is positive.  (%C, %Y, etc.) 
+#if YEAR_BASE < 0
+#  error "YEAR_BASE < 0"
+static _CONST int dname_len[7] =
+{6, 6, 7, 9, 8, 6, 8};
+/* Using the tm_year, tm_wday, and tm_yday components of TIM_P, return
+   -1, 0, or 1 as the adjustment to add to the year for the ISO week
+   numbering used in "%g%G%V", avoiding overflow.  */
+static int
+_DEFUN (iso_year_adjust, (tim_p),
+       _CONST struct tm *tim_p)
+  /* Account for fact that tm_year==0 is year 1900.  */
+  int leap = isleap (tim_p->tm_year + (YEAR_BASE
+                                      - (tim_p->tm_year < 0 ? 0 : 2000)));
+  /* Pack the yday, wday, and leap year into a single int since there are so
+     many disparate cases.  */
+#define PACK(yd, wd, lp) (((yd) << 4) + (wd << 1) + (lp))
+  switch (PACK (tim_p->tm_yday, tim_p->tm_wday, leap))
+    {
+    case PACK (0, 5, 0): /* Jan 1 is Fri, not leap.  */
+    case PACK (0, 6, 0): /* Jan 1 is Sat, not leap.  */
+    case PACK (0, 0, 0): /* Jan 1 is Sun, not leap.  */
+    case PACK (0, 5, 1): /* Jan 1 is Fri, leap year.  */
+    case PACK (0, 6, 1): /* Jan 1 is Sat, leap year.  */
+    case PACK (0, 0, 1): /* Jan 1 is Sun, leap year.  */
+    case PACK (1, 6, 0): /* Jan 2 is Sat, not leap.  */
+    case PACK (1, 0, 0): /* Jan 2 is Sun, not leap.  */
+    case PACK (1, 6, 1): /* Jan 2 is Sat, leap year.  */
+    case PACK (1, 0, 1): /* Jan 2 is Sun, leap year.  */
+    case PACK (2, 0, 0): /* Jan 3 is Sun, not leap.  */
+    case PACK (2, 0, 1): /* Jan 3 is Sun, leap year.  */
+      return -1; /* Belongs to last week of previous year.  */
+    case PACK (362, 1, 0): /* Dec 29 is Mon, not leap.  */
+    case PACK (363, 1, 1): /* Dec 29 is Mon, leap year.  */
+    case PACK (363, 1, 0): /* Dec 30 is Mon, not leap.  */
+    case PACK (363, 2, 0): /* Dec 30 is Tue, not leap.  */
+    case PACK (364, 1, 1): /* Dec 30 is Mon, leap year.  */
+    case PACK (364, 2, 1): /* Dec 30 is Tue, leap year.  */
+    case PACK (364, 1, 0): /* Dec 31 is Mon, not leap.  */
+    case PACK (364, 2, 0): /* Dec 31 is Tue, not leap.  */
+    case PACK (364, 3, 0): /* Dec 31 is Wed, not leap.  */
+    case PACK (365, 1, 1): /* Dec 31 is Mon, leap year.  */
+    case PACK (365, 2, 1): /* Dec 31 is Tue, leap year.  */
+    case PACK (365, 3, 1): /* Dec 31 is Wed, leap year.  */
+      return 1; /* Belongs to first week of next year.  */
+    }
+  return 0; /* Belongs to specified year.  */
+#undef PACK
+typedef struct {
+  int   year;
+  CHAR *era_C;
+  CHAR *era_Y;
+} era_info_t;
+static era_info_t *
+#if defined (MAKE_WCSFTIME) && defined (__HAVE_LOCALE_INFO_EXTENDED__)
+get_era_info (const struct tm *tim_p, const wchar_t *era)
+get_era_info (const struct tm *tim_p, const char *era)
+#if defined (MAKE_WCSFTIME) && defined (__HAVE_LOCALE_INFO_EXTENDED__)
+  wchar_t *c;
+  const wchar_t *dir;
+# define ERA_STRCHR(a,b)       wcschr((a),(b))
+# define ERA_STRNCPY(a,b,c)    wcsncpy((a),(b),(c))
+# define ERA_STRTOL(a,b,c)     wcstol((a),(b),(c))
+  char *c;
+  const char *dir;
+# define ERA_STRCHR(a,b)       strchr((a),(b))
+# define ERA_STRNCPY(a,b,c)    strncpy((a),(b),(c))
+# define ERA_STRTOL(a,b,c)     strtol((a),(b),(c))
+  long offset;
+  struct tm stm, etm;
+  era_info_t *ei;
+  ei = (era_info_t *) calloc (1, sizeof (era_info_t));
+  if (!ei)
+    return NULL;
+  stm.tm_isdst = etm.tm_isdst = 0;
+  while (era)
+    {
+      dir = era;
+      era += 2;
+      offset = ERA_STRTOL (era, &c, 10);
+      era = c + 1;
+      stm.tm_year = ERA_STRTOL (era, &c, 10) - YEAR_BASE;
+      /* Adjust offset for negative gregorian dates. */
+      if (stm.tm_year <= -YEAR_BASE)
+       ++stm.tm_year;
+      stm.tm_mon = ERA_STRTOL (c + 1, &c, 10) - 1;
+      stm.tm_mday = ERA_STRTOL (c + 1, &c, 10);
+      stm.tm_hour = stm.tm_min = stm.tm_sec = 0;
+      era = c + 1;
+      if (era[0] == '-' && era[1] == '*')
+       {
+         etm = stm;
+         stm.tm_year = INT_MIN;
+         stm.tm_mon = stm.tm_mday = stm.tm_hour = stm.tm_min = stm.tm_sec = 0;
+         era += 3;
+       }
+      else if (era[0] == '+' && era[1] == '*')
+       {
+         etm.tm_year = INT_MAX;
+         etm.tm_mon = 11;
+         etm.tm_mday = 31;
+         etm.tm_hour = 23;
+         etm.tm_min = etm.tm_sec = 59;
+         era += 3;
+       }
+      else
+       {
+         etm.tm_year = ERA_STRTOL (era, &c, 10) - YEAR_BASE;
+         /* Adjust offset for negative gregorian dates. */
+         if (etm.tm_year <= -YEAR_BASE)
+           ++etm.tm_year;
+         etm.tm_mon = ERA_STRTOL (c + 1, &c, 10) - 1;
+         etm.tm_mday = ERA_STRTOL (c + 1, &c, 10);
+         etm.tm_mday = 31;
+         etm.tm_hour = 23;
+         etm.tm_min = etm.tm_sec = 59;
+         era = c + 1;
+       }
+      if ((tim_p->tm_year > stm.tm_year
+          || (tim_p->tm_year == stm.tm_year
+              && (tim_p->tm_mon > stm.tm_mon
+                  || (tim_p->tm_mon == stm.tm_mon
+                      && tim_p->tm_mday >= stm.tm_mday))))
+         && (tim_p->tm_year < etm.tm_year
+             || (tim_p->tm_year == etm.tm_year
+                 && (tim_p->tm_mon < etm.tm_mon
+                     || (tim_p->tm_mon == etm.tm_mon
+                         && tim_p->tm_mday <= etm.tm_mday)))))
+       {
+         /* Gotcha */
+         size_t len;
+         /* year */
+         if (*dir == '+' && stm.tm_year != INT_MIN)
+           ei->year = tim_p->tm_year - stm.tm_year + offset;
+         else
+           ei->year = etm.tm_year - tim_p->tm_year + offset;
+         /* era_C */
+         c = ERA_STRCHR (era, ':');
+#if defined (MAKE_WCSFTIME) && !defined (__HAVE_LOCALE_INFO_EXTENDED__)
+         len = mbsnrtowcs (NULL, &era, c - era, 0, NULL);
+         if (len == (size_t) -1)
+           {
+             free (ei);
+             return NULL;
+           }
+         len = c - era;
+         ei->era_C = (CHAR *) malloc ((len + 1) * sizeof (CHAR));
+         if (!ei->era_C)
+           {
+             free (ei);
+             return NULL;
+           }
+#if defined (MAKE_WCSFTIME) && !defined (__HAVE_LOCALE_INFO_EXTENDED__)
+         len = mbsnrtowcs (ei->era_C, &era, c - era, len + 1, NULL);
+         ERA_STRNCPY (ei->era_C, era, len);
+         era += len;
+         ei->era_C[len] = CQ('\0');
+         /* era_Y */
+         ++era;
+         c = ERA_STRCHR (era, ';');
+         if (!c)
+           c = ERA_STRCHR (era, '\0');
+#if defined (MAKE_WCSFTIME) && !defined (__HAVE_LOCALE_INFO_EXTENDED__)
+         len = mbsnrtowcs (NULL, &era, c - era, 0, NULL);
+         if (len == (size_t) -1)
+           {
+             free (ei->era_C);
+             free (ei);
+             return NULL;
+           }
+         len = c - era;
+         ei->era_Y = (CHAR *) malloc ((len + 1) * sizeof (CHAR));
+         if (!ei->era_Y)
+           {
+             free (ei->era_C);
+             free (ei);
+             return NULL;
+           }
+#if defined (MAKE_WCSFTIME) && !defined (__HAVE_LOCALE_INFO_EXTENDED__)
+         len = mbsnrtowcs (ei->era_Y, &era, c - era, len + 1, NULL);
+         ERA_STRNCPY (ei->era_Y, era, len);
+         era += len;
+         ei->era_Y[len] = CQ('\0');
+         return ei;
+       }
+      else
+       era = ERA_STRCHR (era, ';');
+      if (era)
+       ++era;
+    }
+  return NULL;
+static void
+free_era_info (era_info_t *ei)
+  free (ei->era_C);
+  free (ei->era_Y);
+  free (ei);
+typedef struct {
+  size_t num;
+  CHAR **digit;
+  CHAR *buffer;
+} alt_digits_t;
+static alt_digits_t *
+#if defined (MAKE_WCSFTIME) && defined (__HAVE_LOCALE_INFO_EXTENDED__)
+get_alt_digits (const wchar_t *alt_digits)
+get_alt_digits (const char *alt_digits)
+  alt_digits_t *adi;
+#if defined (MAKE_WCSFTIME) && defined (__HAVE_LOCALE_INFO_EXTENDED__)
+  const wchar_t *a, *e;
+# define ALT_STRCHR(a,b)       wcschr((a),(b))
+# define ALT_STRCPY(a,b)       wcscpy((a),(b))
+# define ALT_STRLEN(a)         wcslen(a)
+  const char *a, *e;
+# define ALT_STRCHR(a,b)       strchr((a),(b))
+# define ALT_STRCPY(a,b)       strcpy((a),(b))
+# define ALT_STRLEN(a)         strlen(a)
+  CHAR *aa, *ae;
+  size_t len;
+  adi = (alt_digits_t *) calloc (1, sizeof (alt_digits_t));
+  if (!adi)
+    return NULL;
+  /* Compute number of alt_digits. */
+  adi->num = 1;
+  for (a = alt_digits; (e = ALT_STRCHR (a, ';')) != NULL; a = e + 1)
+      ++adi->num;
+  /* Allocate the `digit' array, which is an array of `num' pointers into
+     `buffer'. */
+  adi->digit = (CHAR **) calloc (adi->num, sizeof (CHAR **));
+  if (!adi->digit)
+    {
+      free (adi);
+      return NULL;
+    }
+  /* Compute memory required for `buffer'. */
+#if defined (MAKE_WCSFTIME) && !defined (__HAVE_LOCALE_INFO_EXTENDED__)
+  len = mbstowcs (NULL, alt_digits, 0);
+  if (len == (size_t) -1)
+    {
+      free (adi->digit);
+      free (adi);
+      return NULL;
+    }
+  len = ALT_STRLEN (alt_digits);
+  /* Allocate it. */
+  adi->buffer = (CHAR *) malloc ((len + 1) * sizeof (CHAR));
+  if (!adi->buffer)
+    {
+      free (adi->digit);
+      free (adi);
+      return NULL;
+    }
+  /* Store digits in it. */
+#if defined (MAKE_WCSFTIME) && !defined (__HAVE_LOCALE_INFO_EXTENDED__)
+  mbstowcs (adi->buffer, alt_digits, len + 1);
+  ALT_STRCPY (adi->buffer, alt_digits);
+  /* Store the pointers into `buffer' into the appropriate `digit' slot. */
+  for (len = 0, aa = adi->buffer; (ae = STRCHR (aa, CQ(';'))) != NULL;
+       ++len, aa = ae + 1)
+    {
+      *ae = '\0';
+      adi->digit[len] = aa;
+    }
+  adi->digit[len] = aa;
+  return adi;
+static void
+free_alt_digits (alt_digits_t *adi)
+  free (adi->digit);
+  free (adi->buffer);
+  free (adi);
+/* Return 0 if no alt_digit is available for a number.
+   Return -1 if buffer size isn't sufficient to hold alternative digit.
+   Return length of new digit otherwise. */
+static int
+conv_to_alt_digits (CHAR *buf, size_t bufsiz, unsigned num, alt_digits_t *adi)
+  if (num < adi->num)
+    {
+      size_t len = STRLEN (adi->digit[num]);
+      if (bufsiz < len)
+       return -1;
+      STRCPY (buf, adi->digit[num]);
+      return (int) len;
+    }
+  return 0;
+static size_t __strftime (CHAR *, size_t, const CHAR *, const struct tm *,
+                         era_info_t **, alt_digits_t **);
+_DEFUN (strftime, (s, maxsize, format, tim_p),
+       CHAR *__restrict s _AND
+       size_t maxsize _AND
+       _CONST CHAR *__restrict format _AND
+       _CONST struct tm *__restrict tim_p)
+  era_info_t *era_info = NULL;
+  alt_digits_t *alt_digits = NULL;
+  size_t ret = __strftime (s, maxsize, format, tim_p, &era_info, &alt_digits);
+  if (era_info)
+    free_era_info (era_info);
+  if (alt_digits)
+    free_alt_digits (alt_digits);
+  return ret;
+static size_t
+__strftime (CHAR *s, size_t maxsize, const CHAR *format,
+           const struct tm *tim_p, era_info_t **era_info,
+           alt_digits_t **alt_digits)
+#else /* !_WANT_C99_TIME_FORMATS */
+# define __strftime(s,m,f,t,e,a)       strftime((s),(m),(f),(t))
+_DEFUN (strftime, (s, maxsize, format, tim_p),
+       CHAR *__restrict s _AND
+       size_t maxsize _AND
+       _CONST CHAR *__restrict format _AND
+       _CONST struct tm *__restrict tim_p)
+#endif /* !_WANT_C99_TIME_FORMATS */
+  size_t count = 0;
+  int len = 0;
+  const CHAR *ctloc;
+#if defined (MAKE_WCSFTIME) && !defined (__HAVE_LOCALE_INFO_EXTENDED__)
+  CHAR ctlocbuf[CTLOCBUFLEN];
+  size_t i, ctloclen;
+  CHAR alt;
+  CHAR pad;
+  unsigned long width;
+  int tzset_called = 0;
+  struct lc_time_T *_CurrentTimeLocale = __get_current_time_locale ();
+  for (;;)
+    {
+      while (*format && *format != CQ('%'))
+       {
+         if (count < maxsize - 1)
+           s[count++] = *format++;
+         else
+           return 0;
+       }
+      if (*format == CQ('\0'))
+       break;
+      format++;
+      pad = '\0';
+      width = 0;
+      /* POSIX-1.2008 feature: '0' and '+' modifiers require 0-padding with
+         slightly different semantics. */
+      if (*format == CQ('0') || *format == CQ('+'))
+       pad = *format++;
+      /* POSIX-1.2008 feature: A minimum field width can be specified. */
+      if (*format >= CQ('1') && *format <= CQ('9'))
+       {
+         CHAR *fp;
+         width = STRTOUL (format, &fp, 10);
+         format = fp;
+       }
+      alt = CQ('\0');
+      if (*format == CQ('E'))
+       {
+         alt = *format++;
+#if defined (MAKE_WCSFTIME) && defined (__HAVE_LOCALE_INFO_EXTENDED__)
+         if (!*era_info && *_CurrentTimeLocale->wera)
+           *era_info = get_era_info (tim_p, _CurrentTimeLocale->wera);
+         if (!*era_info && *_CurrentTimeLocale->era)
+           *era_info = get_era_info (tim_p, _CurrentTimeLocale->era);
+#endif /* _WANT_C99_TIME_FORMATS */
+       }
+      else if (*format == CQ('O'))
+       {
+         alt = *format++;
+#if defined (MAKE_WCSFTIME) && defined (__HAVE_LOCALE_INFO_EXTENDED__)
+         if (!*alt_digits && *_CurrentTimeLocale->walt_digits)
+           *alt_digits = get_alt_digits (_CurrentTimeLocale->walt_digits);
+         if (!*alt_digits && *_CurrentTimeLocale->alt_digits)
+           *alt_digits = get_alt_digits (_CurrentTimeLocale->alt_digits);
+#endif /* _WANT_C99_TIME_FORMATS */
+       }
+      switch (*format)
+       {
+       case CQ('a'):
+         _ctloc (wday[tim_p->tm_wday]);
+         for (i = 0; i < ctloclen; i++)
+           {
+             if (count < maxsize - 1)
+               s[count++] = ctloc[i];
+             else
+               return 0;
+           }
+         break;
+       case CQ('A'):
+         _ctloc (weekday[tim_p->tm_wday]);
+         for (i = 0; i < ctloclen; i++)
+           {
+             if (count < maxsize - 1)
+               s[count++] = ctloc[i];
+             else
+               return 0;
+           }
+         break;
+       case CQ('b'):
+       case CQ('h'):
+         _ctloc (mon[tim_p->tm_mon]);
+         for (i = 0; i < ctloclen; i++)
+           {
+             if (count < maxsize - 1)
+               s[count++] = ctloc[i];
+             else
+               return 0;
+           }
+         break;
+       case CQ('B'):
+         _ctloc (month[tim_p->tm_mon]);
+         for (i = 0; i < ctloclen; i++)
+           {
+             if (count < maxsize - 1)
+               s[count++] = ctloc[i];
+             else
+               return 0;
+           }
+         break;
+       case CQ('c'):
+         if (alt == 'E' && *era_info && *_CurrentTimeLocale->era_d_t_fmt)
+           _ctloc (era_d_t_fmt);
+         else
+#endif /* _WANT_C99_TIME_FORMATS */
+           _ctloc (c_fmt);
+         goto recurse;
+       case CQ('r'):
+         _ctloc (ampm_fmt);
+         goto recurse;
+       case CQ('x'):
+         if (alt == 'E' && *era_info && *_CurrentTimeLocale->era_d_fmt)
+           _ctloc (era_d_fmt);
+         else
+#endif /* _WANT_C99_TIME_FORMATS */
+           _ctloc (x_fmt);
+         goto recurse;
+       case CQ('X'):
+         if (alt == 'E' && *era_info && *_CurrentTimeLocale->era_t_fmt)
+           _ctloc (era_t_fmt);
+         else
+#endif /* _WANT_C99_TIME_FORMATS */
+           _ctloc (X_fmt);
+         if (*ctloc)
+           {
+             /* Recurse to avoid need to replicate %Y formation. */
+             len = __strftime (&s[count], maxsize - count, ctloc, tim_p,
+                               era_info, alt_digits);
+             if (len > 0)
+               count += len;
+             else
+               return 0;
+           }
+         break;
+       case CQ('C'):
+         {
+           /* Examples of (tm_year + YEAR_BASE) that show how %Y == %C%y
+              with 32-bit int.
+              %Y               %C              %y
+              2147485547       21474855        47
+              10000            100             00
+              9999             99              99
+              0999             09              99
+              0099             00              99
+              0001             00              01
+              0000             00              00
+              -001             -0              01
+              -099             -0              99
+              -999             -9              99
+              -1000            -10             00
+              -10000           -100            00
+              -2147481748      -21474817       48
+              Be careful of both overflow and sign adjustment due to the
+              asymmetric range of years.
+           */
+           if (alt == 'E' && *era_info)
+             len = snprintf (&s[count], maxsize - count, CQ("%" SFLG "s"),
+                             (*era_info)->era_C);
+           else
+#endif /* _WANT_C99_TIME_FORMATS */
+             {
+               CHAR *fmt = CQ("%s%.*d");
+               char *pos = "";
+               int neg = tim_p->tm_year < -YEAR_BASE;
+               int century = tim_p->tm_year >= 0
+                 ? tim_p->tm_year / 100 + YEAR_BASE / 100
+                 : abs (tim_p->tm_year + YEAR_BASE) / 100;
+               if (pad) /* '0' or '+' */
+                 {
+                   fmt = CQ("%s%0.*d");
+                   if (century >= 100 && pad == CQ('+'))
+                     pos = "+";
+                 }
+               if (width < 2)
+                 width = 2;
+               len = snprintf (&s[count], maxsize - count, fmt,
+                               neg ? "-" : pos, width - neg, century);
+             }
+            CHECK_LENGTH ();
+         }
+         break;
+       case CQ('d'):
+       case CQ('e'):
+         if (alt == CQ('O') && *alt_digits)
+           {
+             if (tim_p->tm_mday < 10)
+               {
+                 if (*format == CQ('d'))
+                   {
+                     if (maxsize - count < 2) return 0;
+                     len = conv_to_alt_digits (&s[count], maxsize - count,
+                                               0, *alt_digits);
+                     CHECK_LENGTH ();
+                   }
+                 if (*format == CQ('e') || len == 0)
+                   s[count++] = CQ(' ');
+               }
+             len = conv_to_alt_digits (&s[count], maxsize - count,
+                                       tim_p->tm_mday, *alt_digits);
+             CHECK_LENGTH ();
+             if (len > 0)
+               break;
+           }
+#endif /* _WANT_C99_TIME_FORMATS */
+         len = snprintf (&s[count], maxsize - count,
+                         *format == CQ('d') ? CQ("%.2d") : CQ("%2d"),
+                         tim_p->tm_mday);
+         CHECK_LENGTH ();
+         break;
+       case CQ('D'):
+         /* %m/%d/%y */
+         len = snprintf (&s[count], maxsize - count,
+                         CQ("%.2d/%.2d/%.2d"),
+                         tim_p->tm_mon + 1, tim_p->tm_mday,
+                         tim_p->tm_year >= 0 ? tim_p->tm_year % 100
+                         : abs (tim_p->tm_year + YEAR_BASE) % 100);
+          CHECK_LENGTH ();
+         break;
+       case CQ('F'):
+         { /* %F is equivalent to "%+4Y-%m-%d", flags and width can change
+              that.  Recurse to avoid need to replicate %Y formation. */
+           CHAR fmtbuf[32], *fmt = fmtbuf;
+           *fmt++ = CQ('%');
+           if (pad) /* '0' or '+' */
+             *fmt++ = pad;
+           else
+             *fmt++ = '+';
+           if (!pad)
+             width = 10;
+           if (width < 6)
+             width = 6;
+           width -= 6;
+           if (width)
+             {
+               len = snprintf (fmt, fmtbuf + 32 - fmt, CQ("%lu"), width);
+               if (len > 0)
+                 fmt += len;
+             }
+           STRCPY (fmt, CQ("Y-%m-%d"));
+           len = __strftime (&s[count], maxsize - count, fmtbuf, tim_p,
+                             era_info, alt_digits);
+           if (len > 0)
+             count += len;
+           else
+             return 0;
+         }
+          break;
+       case CQ('g'):
+         /* Be careful of both overflow and negative years, thanks to
+                the asymmetric range of years.  */
+         {
+           int adjust = iso_year_adjust (tim_p);
+           int year = tim_p->tm_year >= 0 ? tim_p->tm_year % 100
+               : abs (tim_p->tm_year + YEAR_BASE) % 100;
+           if (adjust < 0 && tim_p->tm_year <= -YEAR_BASE)
+               adjust = 1;
+           else if (adjust > 0 && tim_p->tm_year < -YEAR_BASE)
+               adjust = -1;
+           len = snprintf (&s[count], maxsize - count, CQ("%.2d"),
+                           ((year + adjust) % 100 + 100) % 100);
+            CHECK_LENGTH ();
+         }
+          break;
+       case CQ('G'):
+         {
+           /* See the comments for 'C' and 'Y'; this is a variable length
+              field.  Although there is no requirement for a minimum number
+              of digits, we use 4 for consistency with 'Y'.  */
+           int sign = tim_p->tm_year < -YEAR_BASE;
+           int adjust = iso_year_adjust (tim_p);
+           int century = tim_p->tm_year >= 0
+             ? tim_p->tm_year / 100 + YEAR_BASE / 100
+             : abs (tim_p->tm_year + YEAR_BASE) / 100;
+           int year = tim_p->tm_year >= 0 ? tim_p->tm_year % 100
+             : abs (tim_p->tm_year + YEAR_BASE) % 100;
+           if (adjust < 0 && tim_p->tm_year <= -YEAR_BASE)
+             sign = adjust = 1;
+           else if (adjust > 0 && sign)
+             adjust = -1;
+           year += adjust;
+           if (year == -1)
+             {
+               year = 99;
+               --century;
+             }
+           else if (year == 100)
+             {
+               year = 0;
+               ++century;
+             }
+           CHAR fmtbuf[10], *fmt = fmtbuf;
+           /* int potentially overflows, so use unsigned instead.  */
+           unsigned p_year = century * 100 + year;
+           if (sign)
+             *fmt++ = CQ('-');
+           else if (pad == CQ('+') && p_year >= 10000)
+             {
+               *fmt++ = CQ('+');
+               sign = 1;
+             }
+           if (width && sign)
+             --width;
+           *fmt++ = CQ('%');
+           if (pad)
+             *fmt++ = CQ('0');
+           STRCPY (fmt, CQ(".*u"));
+           len = snprintf (&s[count], maxsize - count, fmtbuf, width, p_year);
+            if (len < 0  ||  (count+=len) >= maxsize)
+              return 0;
+         }
+          break;
+       case CQ('H'):
+         if (alt == CQ('O') && *alt_digits)
+           {
+             len = conv_to_alt_digits (&s[count], maxsize - count,
+                                       tim_p->tm_hour, *alt_digits);
+             CHECK_LENGTH ();
+             if (len > 0)
+               break;
+           }
+#endif /* _WANT_C99_TIME_FORMATS */
+         /*FALLTHRU*/
+       case CQ('k'):   /* newlib extension */
+         len = snprintf (&s[count], maxsize - count,
+                         *format == CQ('k') ? CQ("%2d") : CQ("%.2d"),
+                         tim_p->tm_hour);
+          CHECK_LENGTH ();
+         break;
+       case CQ('l'):   /* newlib extension */
+         if (alt == CQ('O'))
+           alt = CQ('\0');
+         /*FALLTHRU*/
+       case CQ('I'):
+         {
+           register int  h12;
+           h12 = (tim_p->tm_hour == 0 || tim_p->tm_hour == 12)  ?
+                                               12  :  tim_p->tm_hour % 12;
+           if (alt != CQ('O') || !*alt_digits
+               || !(len = conv_to_alt_digits (&s[count], maxsize - count,
+                                              h12, *alt_digits)))
+#endif /* _WANT_C99_TIME_FORMATS */
+             len = snprintf (&s[count], maxsize - count,
+                             *format == CQ('I') ? CQ("%.2d") : CQ("%2d"), h12);
+           CHECK_LENGTH ();
+         }
+         break;
+       case CQ('j'):
+         len = snprintf (&s[count], maxsize - count, CQ("%.3d"),
+                         tim_p->tm_yday + 1);
+          CHECK_LENGTH ();
+         break;
+       case CQ('m'):
+         if (alt != CQ('O') || !*alt_digits
+             || !(len = conv_to_alt_digits (&s[count], maxsize - count,
+                                            tim_p->tm_mon + 1, *alt_digits)))
+#endif /* _WANT_C99_TIME_FORMATS */
+           len = snprintf (&s[count], maxsize - count, CQ("%.2d"),
+                           tim_p->tm_mon + 1);
+          CHECK_LENGTH ();
+         break;
+       case CQ('M'):
+         if (alt != CQ('O') || !*alt_digits
+             || !(len = conv_to_alt_digits (&s[count], maxsize - count,
+                                            tim_p->tm_min, *alt_digits)))
+#endif /* _WANT_C99_TIME_FORMATS */
+           len = snprintf (&s[count], maxsize - count, CQ("%.2d"),
+                           tim_p->tm_min);
+          CHECK_LENGTH ();
+         break;
+       case CQ('n'):
+         if (count < maxsize - 1)
+           s[count++] = CQ('\n');
+         else
+           return 0;
+         break;
+       case CQ('p'):
+       case CQ('P'):
+         _ctloc (am_pm[tim_p->tm_hour < 12 ? 0 : 1]);
+         for (i = 0; i < ctloclen; i++)
+           {
+             if (count < maxsize - 1)
+               s[count++] = (*format == CQ('P') ? TOLOWER (ctloc[i])
+                                                : ctloc[i]);
+             else
+               return 0;
+           }
+         break;
+       case CQ('R'):
+          len = snprintf (&s[count], maxsize - count, CQ("%.2d:%.2d"),
+                         tim_p->tm_hour, tim_p->tm_min);
+          CHECK_LENGTH ();
+          break;
+       case CQ('s'):
+ * From:
+ * The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 7
+ * IEEE Std 1003.1, 2013 Edition
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2013 The IEEE and The Open Group
+ * XBD Base Definitions
+ * 4. General Concepts
+ * 4.15 Seconds Since the Epoch
+ * A value that approximates the number of seconds that have elapsed since the
+ * Epoch. A Coordinated Universal Time name (specified in terms of seconds
+ * (tm_sec), minutes (tm_min), hours (tm_hour), days since January 1 of the 
+ * (tm_yday), and calendar year minus 1900 (tm_year)) is related to a time
+ * represented as seconds since the Epoch, according to the expression below.
+ * If the year is <1970 or the value is negative, the relationship is 
+ * If the year is >=1970 and the value is non-negative, the value is related 
to a
+ * Coordinated Universal Time name according to the C-language expression, 
+ * tm_sec, tm_min, tm_hour, tm_yday, and tm_year are all integer types:
+ * tm_sec + tm_min*60 + tm_hour*3600 + tm_yday*86400 +
+ *     (tm_year-70)*31536000 + ((tm_year-69)/4)*86400 -
+ *     ((tm_year-1)/100)*86400 + ((tm_year+299)/400)*86400
+ * OR
+ * ((((tm_year-69)/4 - (tm_year-1)/100 + (tm_year+299)/400 +
+ *         (tm_year-70)*365 + tm_yday)*24 + tm_hour)*60 + tm_min)*60 + tm_sec
+ */
+/* modified from %z case by hoisting offset outside if block and initializing 
+         {
+           long offset;        /* offset < 0 => W of GMT, > 0 => E of GMT:
+           offset = 0;    subtract to get UTC */
+           if (tim_p->tm_isdst >= 0)
+             {
+               TZ_LOCK;
+               if (!tzset_called)
+                 {
+                   _tzset_unlocked ();
+                   tzset_called = 1;
+                 }
+#if defined (__CYGWIN__)
+               /* Cygwin must check if the application has been built with or
+                  without the extra tm members for backward compatibility, and
+                  then use either that or the old method fetching from tzinfo.
+                  Rather than pulling in the version check infrastructure, we
+                  just call a Cygwin function. */
+               extern long __cygwin_gettzoffset (const struct tm *tmp);
+               offset = __cygwin_gettzoffset (tim_p);
+#elif defined (__TM_GMTOFF)
+               offset = tim_p->__TM_GMTOFF;
+               __tzinfo_type *tz = __gettzinfo ();
+               /* The sign of this is exactly opposite the envvar TZ.  We
+                  could directly use the global _timezone for tm_isdst==0,
+                  but have to use __tzrule for daylight savings.  */
+               offset = -tz->__tzrule[tim_p->tm_isdst > 0].offset;
+               TZ_UNLOCK;
+             }
+           len = snprintf (&s[count], maxsize - count, CQ("%lld"),
+                           (((((long long)tim_p->tm_year - 69)/4
+                               - (tim_p->tm_year - 1)/100
+                               + (tim_p->tm_year + 299)/400
+                               + (tim_p->tm_year - 70)*365 + tim_p->tm_yday)*24
+                             + tim_p->tm_hour)*60 + tim_p->tm_min)*60
+                           + tim_p->tm_sec - offset);
+           CHECK_LENGTH ();
+         }
+          break;
+       case CQ('S'):
+         if (alt != CQ('O') || !*alt_digits
+             || !(len = conv_to_alt_digits (&s[count], maxsize - count,
+                                            tim_p->tm_sec, *alt_digits)))
+#endif /* _WANT_C99_TIME_FORMATS */
+           len = snprintf (&s[count], maxsize - count, CQ("%.2d"),
+                           tim_p->tm_sec);
+          CHECK_LENGTH ();
+         break;
+       case CQ('t'):
+         if (count < maxsize - 1)
+           s[count++] = CQ('\t');
+         else
+           return 0;
+         break;
+       case CQ('T'):
+          len = snprintf (&s[count], maxsize - count, CQ("%.2d:%.2d:%.2d"),
+                         tim_p->tm_hour, tim_p->tm_min, tim_p->tm_sec);
+          CHECK_LENGTH ();
+          break;
+       case CQ('u'):
+         if (alt == CQ('O') && *alt_digits)
+           {
+             len = conv_to_alt_digits (&s[count], maxsize - count,
+                                       tim_p->tm_wday == 0 ? 7
+                                                           : tim_p->tm_wday,
+                                       *alt_digits);
+             CHECK_LENGTH ();
+             if (len > 0)
+               break;
+           }
+#endif /* _WANT_C99_TIME_FORMATS */
+          if (count < maxsize - 1)
+            {
+              if (tim_p->tm_wday == 0)
+                s[count++] = CQ('7');
+              else
+                s[count++] = CQ('0') + tim_p->tm_wday;
+            }
+          else
+            return 0;
+          break;
+       case CQ('U'):
+         if (alt != CQ('O') || !*alt_digits
+             || !(len = conv_to_alt_digits (&s[count], maxsize - count,
+                                            (tim_p->tm_yday + 7 -
+                                             tim_p->tm_wday) / 7,
+                                            *alt_digits)))
+#endif /* _WANT_C99_TIME_FORMATS */
+           len = snprintf (&s[count], maxsize - count, CQ("%.2d"),
+                        (tim_p->tm_yday + 7 -
+                         tim_p->tm_wday) / 7);
+          CHECK_LENGTH ();
+         break;
+       case CQ('V'):
+         {
+           int adjust = iso_year_adjust (tim_p);
+           int wday = (tim_p->tm_wday) ? tim_p->tm_wday - 1 : 6;
+           int week = (tim_p->tm_yday + 10 - wday) / 7;
+           if (adjust > 0)
+               week = 1;
+           else if (adjust < 0)
+               /* Previous year has 53 weeks if current year starts on
+                  Fri, and also if current year starts on Sat and
+                  previous year was leap year.  */
+               week = 52 + (4 >= (wday - tim_p->tm_yday
+                                  - isleap (tim_p->tm_year
+                                            + (YEAR_BASE - 1
+                                               - (tim_p->tm_year < 0
+                                                  ? 0 : 2000)))));
+           if (alt != CQ('O') || !*alt_digits
+               || !(len = conv_to_alt_digits (&s[count], maxsize - count,
+                                              week, *alt_digits)))
+#endif /* _WANT_C99_TIME_FORMATS */
+             len = snprintf (&s[count], maxsize - count, CQ("%.2d"), week);
+            CHECK_LENGTH ();
+         }
+          break;
+       case CQ('w'):
+         if (alt == CQ('O') && *alt_digits)
+           {
+             len = conv_to_alt_digits (&s[count], maxsize - count,
+                                       tim_p->tm_wday, *alt_digits);
+             CHECK_LENGTH ();
+             if (len > 0)
+               break;
+           }
+#endif /* _WANT_C99_TIME_FORMATS */
+         if (count < maxsize - 1)
+            s[count++] = CQ('0') + tim_p->tm_wday;
+         else
+           return 0;
+         break;
+       case CQ('W'):
+         {
+           int wday = (tim_p->tm_wday) ? tim_p->tm_wday - 1 : 6;
+           wday = (tim_p->tm_yday + 7 - wday) / 7;
+           if (alt != CQ('O') || !*alt_digits
+               || !(len = conv_to_alt_digits (&s[count], maxsize - count,
+                                              wday, *alt_digits)))
+#endif /* _WANT_C99_TIME_FORMATS */
+             len = snprintf (&s[count], maxsize - count, CQ("%.2d"), wday);
+            CHECK_LENGTH ();
+         }
+         break;
+       case CQ('y'):
+           {
+             if (alt == 'E' && *era_info)
+               len = snprintf (&s[count], maxsize - count, CQ("%d"),
+                               (*era_info)->year);
+             else
+#endif /* _WANT_C99_TIME_FORMATS */
+               {
+                 /* Be careful of both overflow and negative years, thanks to
+                    the asymmetric range of years.  */
+                 int year = tim_p->tm_year >= 0 ? tim_p->tm_year % 100
+                            : abs (tim_p->tm_year + YEAR_BASE) % 100;
+                 if (alt != CQ('O') || !*alt_digits
+                     || !(len = conv_to_alt_digits (&s[count], maxsize - count,
+                                                    year, *alt_digits)))
+#endif /* _WANT_C99_TIME_FORMATS */
+                   len = snprintf (&s[count], maxsize - count, CQ("%.2d"),
+                                   year);
+               }
+              CHECK_LENGTH ();
+           }
+         break;
+       case CQ('Y'):
+         if (alt == 'E' && *era_info)
+           {
+             ctloc = (*era_info)->era_Y;
+             goto recurse;
+           }
+         else
+#endif /* _WANT_C99_TIME_FORMATS */
+           {
+             CHAR fmtbuf[10], *fmt = fmtbuf;
+             int sign = tim_p->tm_year < -YEAR_BASE;
+             /* int potentially overflows, so use unsigned instead.  */
+             register unsigned year = (unsigned) tim_p->tm_year
+                                      + (unsigned) YEAR_BASE;
+             if (sign)
+               {
+                 *fmt++ = CQ('-');
+                 year = UINT_MAX - year + 1;
+               }
+             else if (pad == CQ('+') && year >= 10000)
+               {
+                 *fmt++ = CQ('+');
+                 sign = 1;
+               }
+             if (width && sign)
+               --width;
+             *fmt++ = CQ('%');
+             if (pad)
+               *fmt++ = CQ('0');
+             STRCPY (fmt, CQ(".*u"));
+             len = snprintf (&s[count], maxsize - count, fmtbuf, width,
+                             year);
+             CHECK_LENGTH ();
+           }
+         break;
+       case CQ('z'):
+          if (tim_p->tm_isdst >= 0)
+            {
+             long offset;
+             TZ_LOCK;
+             if (!tzset_called)
+               {
+                 _tzset_unlocked ();
+                 tzset_called = 1;
+               }
+#if defined (__CYGWIN__)
+             /* Cygwin must check if the application has been built with or
+                without the extra tm members for backward compatibility, and
+                then use either that or the old method fetching from tzinfo.
+                Rather than pulling in the version check infrastructure, we
+                just call a Cygwin function. */
+             extern long __cygwin_gettzoffset (const struct tm *tmp);
+             offset = __cygwin_gettzoffset (tim_p);
+#elif defined (__TM_GMTOFF)
+             offset = tim_p->__TM_GMTOFF;
+             __tzinfo_type *tz = __gettzinfo ();
+             /* The sign of this is exactly opposite the envvar TZ.  We
+                could directly use the global _timezone for tm_isdst==0,
+                but have to use __tzrule for daylight savings.  */
+             offset = -tz->__tzrule[tim_p->tm_isdst > 0].offset;
+             TZ_UNLOCK;
+             len = snprintf (&s[count], maxsize - count, CQ("%+03ld%.2ld"),
+                             offset / SECSPERHOUR,
+                             labs (offset / SECSPERMIN) % 60L);
+              CHECK_LENGTH ();
+            }
+          break;
+       case CQ('Z'):
+         if (tim_p->tm_isdst >= 0)
+           {
+             size_t size;
+             const char *tznam = NULL;
+             TZ_LOCK;
+             if (!tzset_called)
+               {
+                 _tzset_unlocked ();
+                 tzset_called = 1;
+               }
+#if defined (__CYGWIN__)
+             /* See above. */
+             extern const char *__cygwin_gettzname (const struct tm *tmp);
+             tznam = __cygwin_gettzname (tim_p);
+#elif defined (__TM_ZONE)
+             tznam = tim_p->__TM_ZONE;
+             if (!tznam)
+               tznam = _tzname[tim_p->tm_isdst > 0];
+             /* Note that in case of wcsftime this loop only works for
+                timezone abbreviations using the portable codeset (aka ASCII).
+                This seems to be the case, but if that ever changes, this
+                loop needs revisiting. */
+             size = strlen (tznam);
+             for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
+               {
+                 if (count < maxsize - 1)
+                   s[count++] = tznam[i];
+                 else
+                   {
+                     TZ_UNLOCK;
+                     return 0;
+                   }
+               }
+             TZ_UNLOCK;
+           }
+         break;
+       case CQ('%'):
+         if (count < maxsize - 1)
+           s[count++] = CQ('%');
+         else
+           return 0;
+         break;
+       default:
+         return 0;
+       }
+      if (*format)
+       format++;
+      else
+       break;
+    }
+  if (maxsize)
+    s[count] = CQ('\0');
+  return count;
+/* The remainder of this file can serve as a regression test.  Compile
+ *  with -D_REGRESSION_TEST.  */
+#if defined(_REGRESSION_TEST)  /* [Test code:  */
+/* This test code relies on ANSI C features, in particular on the ability
+ * of adjacent strings to be pasted together into one string.  */
+/* Test output buffer size (should be larger than all expected results) */
+#define OUTSIZE        256
+struct test {
+       CHAR  *fmt;     /* Testing format */
+       size_t  max;    /* Testing maxsize */
+       size_t  ret;    /* Expected return value */
+       CHAR  *out;     /* Expected output string */
+       };
+struct list {
+       const struct tm  *tms;  /* Time used for these vectors */
+       const struct test *vec; /* Test vectors */
+       int  cnt;               /* Number of vectors */
+       };
+const char  TZ[]="TZ=EST5EDT";
+/* Define list of test inputs and expected outputs, for the given time zone
+ * and time.  */
+const struct tm  tm0 = {
+       /* Tue Dec 30 10:53:47 EST 2008 (time_t=1230648827) */
+       .tm_sec         = 47,
+       .tm_min         = 53,
+       .tm_hour        = 9,
+       .tm_mday        = 30,
+       .tm_mon         = 11,
+       .tm_year        = 108,
+       .tm_wday        = 2,
+       .tm_yday        = 364,
+       .tm_isdst       = 0
+       };
+const struct test  Vec0[] = {
+       /* Testing fields one at a time, expecting to pass, using exact
+        * allowed length as what is needed.  */
+       /* Using tm0 for time: */
+       #define EXP(s)  sizeof(s)/sizeof(CHAR)-1, s
+       { CQ("%a"), 3+1, EXP(CQ("Tue")) },
+       { CQ("%A"), 7+1, EXP(CQ("Tuesday")) },
+       { CQ("%b"), 3+1, EXP(CQ("Dec")) },
+       { CQ("%B"), 8+1, EXP(CQ("December")) },
+       { CQ("%c"), 24+1, EXP(CQ("Tue Dec 30 09:53:47 2008")) },
+       { CQ("%C"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("20")) },
+       { CQ("%d"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("30")) },
+       { CQ("%D"), 8+1, EXP(CQ("12/30/08")) },
+       { CQ("%e"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("30")) },
+       { CQ("%F"), 10+1, EXP(CQ("2008-12-30")) },
+       { CQ("%g"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("09")) },
+       { CQ("%G"), 4+1, EXP(CQ("2009")) },
+       { CQ("%h"), 3+1, EXP(CQ("Dec")) },
+       { CQ("%H"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("09")) },
+       { CQ("%I"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("09")) },
+       { CQ("%j"), 3+1, EXP(CQ("365")) },
+       { CQ("%k"), 2+1, EXP(CQ(" 9")) },
+       { CQ("%l"), 2+1, EXP(CQ(" 9")) },
+       { CQ("%m"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("12")) },
+       { CQ("%M"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("53")) },
+       { CQ("%n"), 1+1, EXP(CQ("\n")) },
+       { CQ("%p"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("AM")) },
+       { CQ("%r"), 11+1, EXP(CQ("09:53:47 AM")) },
+       { CQ("%R"), 5+1, EXP(CQ("09:53")) },
+       { CQ("%s"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("1230648827")) },
+       { CQ("%S"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("47")) },
+       { CQ("%t"), 1+1, EXP(CQ("\t")) },
+       { CQ("%T"), 8+1, EXP(CQ("09:53:47")) },
+       { CQ("%u"), 1+1, EXP(CQ("2")) },
+       { CQ("%U"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("52")) },
+       { CQ("%V"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("01")) },
+       { CQ("%w"), 1+1, EXP(CQ("2")) },
+       { CQ("%W"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("52")) },
+       { CQ("%x"), 8+1, EXP(CQ("12/30/08")) },
+       { CQ("%X"), 8+1, EXP(CQ("09:53:47")) },
+       { CQ("%y"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("08")) },
+       { CQ("%Y"), 4+1, EXP(CQ("2008")) },
+       { CQ("%z"), 5+1, EXP(CQ("-0500")) },
+       { CQ("%Z"), 3+1, EXP(CQ("EST")) },
+       { CQ("%%"), 1+1, EXP(CQ("%")) },
+       #undef EXP
+       };
+/* Define list of test inputs and expected outputs, for the given time zone
+ * and time.  */
+const struct tm  tm1 = {
+       /* Wed Jul  2 23:01:13 EDT 2008 (time_t=1215054073) */
+       .tm_sec         = 13,
+       .tm_min         = 1,
+       .tm_hour        = 23,
+       .tm_mday        = 2,
+       .tm_mon         = 6,
+       .tm_year        = 108,
+       .tm_wday        = 3,
+       .tm_yday        = 183,
+       .tm_isdst       = 1
+       };
+const struct test  Vec1[] = {
+       /* Testing fields one at a time, expecting to pass, using exact
+        * allowed length as what is needed.  */
+       /* Using tm1 for time: */
+       #define EXP(s)  sizeof(s)/sizeof(CHAR)-1, s
+       { CQ("%a"), 3+1, EXP(CQ("Wed")) },
+       { CQ("%A"), 9+1, EXP(CQ("Wednesday")) },
+       { CQ("%b"), 3+1, EXP(CQ("Jul")) },
+       { CQ("%B"), 4+1, EXP(CQ("July")) },
+       { CQ("%c"), 24+1, EXP(CQ("Wed Jul  2 23:01:13 2008")) },
+       { CQ("%C"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("20")) },
+       { CQ("%d"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("02")) },
+       { CQ("%D"), 8+1, EXP(CQ("07/02/08")) },
+       { CQ("%e"), 2+1, EXP(CQ(" 2")) },
+       { CQ("%F"), 10+1, EXP(CQ("2008-07-02")) },
+       { CQ("%g"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("08")) },
+       { CQ("%G"), 4+1, EXP(CQ("2008")) },
+       { CQ("%h"), 3+1, EXP(CQ("Jul")) },
+       { CQ("%H"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("23")) },
+       { CQ("%I"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("11")) },
+       { CQ("%j"), 3+1, EXP(CQ("184")) },
+       { CQ("%k"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("23")) },
+       { CQ("%l"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("11")) },
+       { CQ("%m"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("07")) },
+       { CQ("%M"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("01")) },
+       { CQ("%n"), 1+1, EXP(CQ("\n")) },
+       { CQ("%p"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("PM")) },
+       { CQ("%r"), 11+1, EXP(CQ("11:01:13 PM")) },
+       { CQ("%R"), 5+1, EXP(CQ("23:01")) },
+       { CQ("%s"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("1215054073")) },
+       { CQ("%S"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("13")) },
+       { CQ("%t"), 1+1, EXP(CQ("\t")) },
+       { CQ("%T"), 8+1, EXP(CQ("23:01:13")) },
+       { CQ("%u"), 1+1, EXP(CQ("3")) },
+       { CQ("%U"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("26")) },
+       { CQ("%V"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("27")) },
+       { CQ("%w"), 1+1, EXP(CQ("3")) },
+       { CQ("%W"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("26")) },
+       { CQ("%x"), 8+1, EXP(CQ("07/02/08")) },
+       { CQ("%X"), 8+1, EXP(CQ("23:01:13")) },
+       { CQ("%y"), 2+1, EXP(CQ("08")) },
+       { CQ("%Y"), 4+1, EXP(CQ("2008")) },
+       { CQ("%z"), 5+1, EXP(CQ("-0400")) },
+       { CQ("%Z"), 3+1, EXP(CQ("EDT")) },
+       { CQ("%%"), 1+1, EXP(CQ("%")) },
+       #undef EXP
+       #define VEC(s)  s, sizeof(s)/sizeof(CHAR), sizeof(s)/sizeof(CHAR)-1, s
+       #define EXP(s)  sizeof(s)/sizeof(CHAR), sizeof(s)/sizeof(CHAR)-1, s
+       { VEC(CQ("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")) },
+       { CQ("0123456789%%%h:`~"), EXP(CQ("0123456789%Jul:`~")) },
+       { CQ("%R%h:`~ %x %w"), EXP(CQ("23:01Jul:`~ 07/02/08 3")) },
+       #undef VEC
+       #undef EXP
+       };
+#if YEAR_BASE == 1900  /* ( */
+/* Checks for very large years.  YEAR_BASE value relied upon so that the
+ * answer strings can be predetermined.
+ * Years more than 4 digits are not mentioned in the standard for %C, so the
+ * test for those cases are based on the design intent (which is to print the
+ * whole number, being the century).  */
+const struct tm  tmyr0 = {
+       /* Wed Jul  2 23:01:13 EDT [HUGE#] */
+       .tm_sec         = 13,
+       .tm_min         = 1,
+       .tm_hour        = 23,
+       .tm_mday        = 2,
+       .tm_mon         = 6,
+       .tm_year        = INT_MAX - YEAR_BASE/2,
+       .tm_wday        = 3,
+       .tm_yday        = 183,
+       .tm_isdst       = 1
+       };
+#if INT_MAX == 32767
+#  define YEAR CQ("33717")           /* INT_MAX + YEAR_BASE/2 */
+#  define CENT CQ("337")
+#  define Year    CQ("17")
+# elif INT_MAX == 2147483647
+#  define YEAR CQ("2147484597")
+#  define CENT CQ("21474845")
+#  define Year         CQ("97")
+# elif INT_MAX == 9223372036854775807
+#  define YEAR CQ("9223372036854776757")
+#  define CENT CQ("92233720368547777")
+#  define Year                  CQ("57")
+# else
+#  error "Unrecognized INT_MAX value:  enhance me to recognize what you have"
+const struct test  Vecyr0[] = {
+       /* Testing fields one at a time, expecting to pass, using a larger
+        * allowed length than what is needed.  */
+       /* Using tmyr0 for time: */
+       #define EXP(s)  sizeof(s)/sizeof(CHAR)-1, s
+       { CQ("%C"), OUTSIZE, EXP(CENT) },
+       { CQ("%c"), OUTSIZE, EXP(CQ("Wed Jul  2 23:01:13 ")YEAR) },
+       { CQ("%D"), OUTSIZE, EXP(CQ("07/02/")Year) },
+       { CQ("%F"), OUTSIZE, EXP(YEAR CQ("-07-02")) },
+       { CQ("%x"), OUTSIZE, EXP(CQ("07/02/")Year) },
+       { CQ("%y"), OUTSIZE, EXP(Year) },
+       { CQ("%Y"), OUTSIZE, EXP(YEAR) },
+       #undef EXP
+       };
+#undef YEAR
+#undef CENT
+#undef Year
+/* Checks for very large negative years.  YEAR_BASE value relied upon so that
+ * the answer strings can be predetermined.  */
+const struct tm  tmyr1 = {
+       /* Wed Jul  2 23:01:13 EDT [HUGE#] */
+       .tm_sec         = 13,
+       .tm_min         = 1,
+       .tm_hour        = 23,
+       .tm_mday        = 2,
+       .tm_mon         = 6,
+       .tm_year        = INT_MIN,
+       .tm_wday        = 3,
+       .tm_yday        = 183,
+       .tm_isdst       = 1
+       };
+#if INT_MAX == 32767
+#  define YEAR CQ("-30868")          /* INT_MIN + YEAR_BASE */
+#  define CENT CQ("-308")
+#  define Year     CQ("68")
+# elif INT_MAX == 2147483647
+#  define YEAR CQ("-2147481748")
+#  define CENT CQ("-21474817")
+#  define Year          CQ("48")
+# elif INT_MAX == 9223372036854775807
+#  define YEAR CQ("-9223372036854773908")
+#  define CENT CQ("-92233720368547739")
+#  define Year                   CQ("08")
+# else
+#  error "Unrecognized INT_MAX value:  enhance me to recognize what you have"
+const struct test  Vecyr1[] = {
+       /* Testing fields one at a time, expecting to pass, using a larger
+        * allowed length than what is needed.  */
+       /* Using tmyr1 for time: */
+       #define EXP(s)  sizeof(s)/sizeof(CHAR)-1, s
+       { CQ("%C"), OUTSIZE, EXP(CENT) },
+       { CQ("%c"), OUTSIZE, EXP(CQ("Wed Jul  2 23:01:13 ")YEAR) },
+       { CQ("%D"), OUTSIZE, EXP(CQ("07/02/")Year) },
+       { CQ("%F"), OUTSIZE, EXP(YEAR CQ("-07-02")) },
+       { CQ("%x"), OUTSIZE, EXP(CQ("07/02/")Year) },
+       { CQ("%y"), OUTSIZE, EXP(Year) },
+       { CQ("%Y"), OUTSIZE, EXP(YEAR) },
+       #undef EXP
+       };
+#undef YEAR
+#undef CENT
+#undef Year
+#endif /* YEAR_BASE ) */
+/* Checks for years just over zero (also test for s=60).
+ * Years less than 4 digits are not mentioned for %Y in the standard, so the
+ * test for that case is based on the design intent.  */
+const struct tm  tmyrzp = {
+       /* Wed Jul  2 23:01:60 EDT 0007 */
+       .tm_sec         = 60,
+       .tm_min         = 1,
+       .tm_hour        = 23,
+       .tm_mday        = 2,
+       .tm_mon         = 6,
+       .tm_year        = 7-YEAR_BASE,
+       .tm_wday        = 3,
+       .tm_yday        = 183,
+       .tm_isdst       = 1
+       };
+#define YEAR   CQ("0007")    /* Design intent:  %Y=%C%y */
+#define CENT   CQ("00")
+#define Year     CQ("07")
+const struct test  Vecyrzp[] = {
+       /* Testing fields one at a time, expecting to pass, using a larger
+        * allowed length than what is needed.  */
+       /* Using tmyrzp for time: */
+       #define EXP(s)  sizeof(s)/sizeof(CHAR)-1, s
+       { CQ("%C"), OUTSIZE, EXP(CENT) },
+       { CQ("%c"), OUTSIZE, EXP(CQ("Wed Jul  2 23:01:60 ")YEAR) },
+       { CQ("%D"), OUTSIZE, EXP(CQ("07/02/")Year) },
+       { CQ("%F"), OUTSIZE, EXP(YEAR CQ("-07-02")) },
+       { CQ("%x"), OUTSIZE, EXP(CQ("07/02/")Year) },
+       { CQ("%y"), OUTSIZE, EXP(Year) },
+       { CQ("%Y"), OUTSIZE, EXP(YEAR) },
+       #undef EXP
+       };
+#undef YEAR
+#undef CENT
+#undef Year
+/* Checks for years just under zero.
+ * Negative years are not handled by the standard, so the vectors here are
+ * verifying the chosen implemtation.  */
+const struct tm  tmyrzn = {
+       /* Wed Jul  2 23:01:00 EDT -004 */
+       .tm_sec         = 00,
+       .tm_min         = 1,
+       .tm_hour        = 23,
+       .tm_mday        = 2,
+       .tm_mon         = 6,
+       .tm_year        = -4-YEAR_BASE,
+       .tm_wday        = 3,
+       .tm_yday        = 183,
+       .tm_isdst       = 1
+       };
+#define YEAR   CQ("-004")
+#define CENT   CQ("-0")
+#define Year     CQ("04")
+const struct test  Vecyrzn[] = {
+       /* Testing fields one at a time, expecting to pass, using a larger
+        * allowed length than what is needed.  */
+       /* Using tmyrzn for time: */
+       #define EXP(s)  sizeof(s)/sizeof(CHAR)-1, s
+       { CQ("%C"), OUTSIZE, EXP(CENT) },
+       { CQ("%c"), OUTSIZE, EXP(CQ("Wed Jul  2 23:01:00 ")YEAR) },
+       { CQ("%D"), OUTSIZE, EXP(CQ("07/02/")Year) },
+       { CQ("%F"), OUTSIZE, EXP(YEAR CQ("-07-02")) },
+       { CQ("%x"), OUTSIZE, EXP(CQ("07/02/")Year) },
+       { CQ("%y"), OUTSIZE, EXP(Year) },
+       { CQ("%Y"), OUTSIZE, EXP(YEAR) },
+       #undef EXP
+       };
+#undef YEAR
+#undef CENT
+#undef Year
+const struct list  ListYr[] = {
+       { &tmyrzp, Vecyrzp, sizeof(Vecyrzp)/sizeof(Vecyrzp[0]) },
+       { &tmyrzn, Vecyrzn, sizeof(Vecyrzn)/sizeof(Vecyrzn[0]) },
+       #if YEAR_BASE == 1900
+       { &tmyr0, Vecyr0, sizeof(Vecyr0)/sizeof(Vecyr0[0]) },
+       { &tmyr1, Vecyr1, sizeof(Vecyr1)/sizeof(Vecyr1[0]) },
+       #endif
+       };
+/* List of tests to be run */
+const struct list  List[] = {
+       { &tm0, Vec0, sizeof(Vec0)/sizeof(Vec0[0]) },
+       { &tm1, Vec1, sizeof(Vec1)/sizeof(Vec1[0]) },
+       };
+#if defined(STUB_getenv_r)
+char *
+_getenv_r(struct _reent *p, const char *cp) { return getenv(cp); }
+int  i, l, errr=0, erro=0, tot=0;
+const char  *cp;
+size_t  ret;
+/* Set timezone so that %z and %Z tests come out right */
+cp = TZ;
+if((i=putenv(cp)))  {
+    printf( "putenv(%s) FAILED, ret %d\n", cp, i);
+    return(-1);
+    }
+if(strcmp(getenv("TZ"),strchr(TZ,'=')+1))  {
+    printf( "TZ not set properly in environment\n");
+    return(-2);
+    }
+#if defined(VERBOSE)
+printf("_timezone=%d, _daylight=%d, _tzname[0]=%s, _tzname[1]=%s\n", 
_timezone, _daylight, _tzname[0], _tzname[1]);
+long offset;
+__tzinfo_type *tz = __gettzinfo ();
+/* The sign of this is exactly opposite the envvar TZ.  We
+   could directly use the global _timezone for tm_isdst==0,
+   but have to use __tzrule for daylight savings.  */
+printf("tz->__tzrule[0].offset=%d, tz->__tzrule[1].offset=%d\n", 
tz->__tzrule[0].offset, tz->__tzrule[1].offset);
+/* Run all of the exact-length tests as-given--results should match */
+for(l=0; l<sizeof(List)/sizeof(List[0]); l++)  {
+    const struct list  *test = &List[l];
+    for(i=0; i<test->cnt; i++)  {
+       tot++;  /* Keep track of number of tests */
+       ret = strftime(out, test->vec[i].max, test->vec[i].fmt, test->tms);
+       if(ret != test->vec[i].ret)  {
+           errr++;
+           fprintf(stderr,
+               "ERROR:  return %d != %d expected for List[%d].vec[%d]\n",
+                                               ret, test->vec[i].ret, l, i);
+           }
+       if(strncmp(out, test->vec[i].out, test->vec[i].max-1))  {
+           erro++;
+           fprintf(stderr,
+               "ERROR:  \"%"SFLG"s\" != \"%"SFLG"s\" expected for 
+                                               out, test->vec[i].out, l, i);
+           }
+       }
+    }
+/* Run all of the exact-length tests with the length made too short--expect to
+ * fail.  */
+for(l=0; l<sizeof(List)/sizeof(List[0]); l++)  {
+    const struct list  *test = &List[l];
+    for(i=0; i<test->cnt; i++)  {
+       tot++;  /* Keep track of number of tests */
+       ret = strftime(out, test->vec[i].max-1, test->vec[i].fmt, test->tms);
+       if(ret != 0)  {
+           errr++;
+           fprintf(stderr,
+               "ERROR:  return %d != %d expected for List[%d].vec[%d]\n",
+                                               ret, 0, l, i);
+           }
+       /* Almost every conversion puts out as many characters as possible, so
+        * go ahead and test the output even though have failed.  (The test
+        * times chosen happen to not hit any of the cases that fail this, so it
+        * works.)  */
+       if(strncmp(out, test->vec[i].out, test->vec[i].max-1-1))  {
+           erro++;
+           fprintf(stderr,
+               "ERROR:  \"%"SFLG"s\" != \"%"SFLG"s\" expected for 
+                                               out, test->vec[i].out, l, i);
+           }
+       }
+    }
+/* Run all of the special year test cases */
+for(l=0; l<sizeof(ListYr)/sizeof(ListYr[0]); l++)  {
+    const struct list  *test = &ListYr[l];
+    for(i=0; i<test->cnt; i++)  {
+       tot++;  /* Keep track of number of tests */
+       ret = strftime(out, test->vec[i].max, test->vec[i].fmt, test->tms);
+       if(ret != test->vec[i].ret)  {
+           errr++;
+           fprintf(stderr,
+               "ERROR:  return %d != %d expected for ListYr[%d].vec[%d]\n",
+                                               ret, test->vec[i].ret, l, i);
+           }
+       if(strncmp(out, test->vec[i].out, test->vec[i].max-1))  {
+           erro++;
+           fprintf(stderr,
+               "ERROR:  \"%"SFLG"s\" != \"%"SFLG"s\" expected for 
+                                               out, test->vec[i].out, l, i);
+           }
+       }
+    }
+#define STRIZE(f)      #f
+#define NAME(f)        STRIZE(f)
+printf(NAME(strftime) "() test ");
+if(errr || erro)  printf("FAILED %d/%d of", errr, erro);
+  else    printf("passed");
+printf(" %d test cases.\n", tot);
+return(errr || erro);
+#endif /* defined(_REGRESSION_TEST) ] */

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