On Jun 16 19:50, Jon TURNEY wrote:
> On 16/06/2015 18:49, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> >>Note that the next time you build documentation for the website, you might
> >>need to take some special steps to add new .html files.
> >
> >-v, please?
> Sorry, I wasn't being intentionally vague, but I don't know precisely how
> you push documentation updates.
> I guess you will need to do a 'cvs add *.html'

Oh, I see.  I didn't realize from the start that utils.xml is also split
into multiple html files now.

> >>and next time you build a package you might need to take some special steps
> >>to exclude /usr/share/man/
> >
> >What special steps?  I assume a `make install' will install the
> >additional man pages now.  Wouldn't it make sense to install them as
> >part of the Cygwin package then, rather than as part of cygwin-doc?
> Ultimately, I think it would be a good idea if cygwin-doc was generated by
> the same process which builds the cygwin(|-devel|-debuginfo) packages.

Yes, that sounds right to me...

> But we are some way from there yet.

...and I'm open to patches to make it reality :)

> My thought was that the simplest way to do the transition is to exclude all
> the files currently owned by cygwin-doc until then, but maybe you have a
> different idea.

Hmm, no.  The cygwin package comes with the PDF and HTML files under
/usr/share/doc/cygwin-${PV}, the cygwin-devel package with the files


(and an undesired usr/share/man/man3/2.0.3.gz, which I only now see.
 Oh well)

In theory these man pages as well as the other doc files would be
ideally bundled with the cygwin-doc package at one point.

For the time being, I look into excluding the utils man pages in the
cygwin package.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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