On Aug  4 13:28, Eric Blake wrote:
> On 08/04/2014 03:14 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > I'm fine with the changes, barring Yaakov's nits.
> I fixed those.
> > 
> > However, while we're at it shouldn't we change from "cygport is the
> > accepted way to make Cygwin packages" to "cygport is the required way to
> > make new Cygwin packages and the (strongly) recommended way for package
> > updates"?  I for one think it's time to switch to a single packaging
> > method.  After all, you don't have rpm packages in Debian or apt
> > packages in Fedora.  This will also greatly simplify to set up an
> > automated build system for Cygwin packages at one point.
> Agreed; so here's what I added in before pushing my patch:
> @@ -283,9 +288,12 @@ etc...
>    <li>Ensure that your package handles being installed on binary and
> text mounts correctly. </li>
>  </ul>
> -<p>While you could make a package satisfying these requirements by
> hand, the
> -accepted way to make Cygwin packages is using the cygport tool, which
> -automatically handles most of the above issues for you.</p>
> +<p>While older packages exist which satisfy these requirements by hand, the
> +only accepted way to make a new Cygwin package is using the cygport
> tool, which
> +automatically handles most of the above issues for you.  It is also
> +strongly recommended to convert existing packages to cygport when
> +updating them; ask on the <tt>cygwin-apps</tt> list if you need help
> +converting an existing package to use cygport.</p>
>  <h2><a id="making_srcpackage" name="making_srcpackage">Making a package
> with cygport</a></h2>

Sounds good!


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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