
this patch replaces the inline-assember used in string.h by C implementation.
There are three reasons why I want to suggest this.  First, the C-code might
be optimized further by fixed (constant) arguments.  Secondly, it is
independent and so we just need to maintain on code-path.  And as
third point, by
inspecting generated assembly code produced by compiler out of C code
vs. inline-assembler
it shows that compiler produces better code.  It handles
jump-threading better, and also
improves average executed instructions.


2012-10-24  Kai Tietz

        * string.h (strechr): Replace assembler by
        C code.
        (ascii_strcasematch): Likewise.
        (ascii_strncasematch): Likwise.

Ok for apply?


Index: string.h
RCS file: /cvs/src/src/winsup/cygwin/string.h,v
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -p -u -r1.14 string.h
--- string.h    19 Jan 2011 09:41:54 -0000      1.14
+++ string.h    24 Oct 2012 09:10:27 -0000
@@ -22,20 +22,9 @@ extern "C" {
 static inline __stdcall char *
 strechr (const char *s, int c)
-  register char * res;
-  __asm__ __volatile__ ("\
-       movb    %%al,%%ah\n\
-1:     movb    (%1),%%al\n\
-       cmpb    %%ah,%%al\n\
-       je      2f\n\
-       incl    %1\n\
-       testb   %%al,%%al\n\
-       jne     1b\n\
-       decl    %1\n\
-2:     movl    %1,%0\n\
-       ":"=a" (res), "=r" (s)
-       :"0" (c), "1" (s));
-  return res;
+  while (*s != (char) c && *s != 0)
+    ++s;
+  return (char *) s;

 #ifdef __INSIDE_CYGWIN__
@@ -45,57 +34,38 @@ extern const char isalpha_array[];
 static inline int
 ascii_strcasematch (const char *cs, const char *ct)
-  register int __res;
-  int d0, d1;
-  __asm__ ("\
-       .global _isalpha_array                  \n\
-       cld                                     \n\
-       andl    $0xff,%%eax                     \n\
-1:     lodsb                                   \n\
-       scasb                                   \n\
-       je      2f                              \n\
-       xorb    _isalpha_array(%%eax),%%al      \n\
-       cmpb    -1(%%edi),%%al                  \n\
-       jne     3f                              \n\
-2:     testb   %%al,%%al                       \n\
-       jnz     1b                              \n\
-       movl    $1,%%eax                        \n\
-       jmp     4f                              \n\
-3:     xor     %0,%0                           \n\
-       :"=a" (__res), "=&S" (d0), "=&D" (d1)
-                    : "1" (cs),   "2" (ct));
+  register const unsigned char *us, *ut;

-  return __res;
+  us = (const unsigned char *) cs;
+  ut = (const unsigned char *) ct;
+  while (us[0] == ut[0] || (us[0] ^ isalpha_array[us[0]]) == ut[0])
+    {
+      if (us[0] == 0)
+       return 1;
+      ++us, ++ut;
+    }
+  return 0;

 static inline int
 ascii_strncasematch (const char *cs, const char *ct, size_t n)
-  register int __res;
-  int d0, d1, d2;
-  __asm__ ("\
-       .global _isalpha_array;                 \n\
-       cld                                     \n\
-       andl    $0xff,%%eax                     \n\
-1:     decl    %3                              \n\
-       js      3f                              \n\
-       lodsb                                   \n\
-       scasb                                   \n\
-       je      2f                              \n\
-       xorb    _isalpha_array(%%eax),%%al      \n\
-       cmpb    -1(%%edi),%%al                  \n\
-       jne     4f                              \n\
-2:     testb   %%al,%%al                       \n\
-       jnz     1b                              \n\
-3:     movl    $1,%%eax                        \n\
-       jmp     5f                              \n\
-4:     xor     %0,%0                           \n\
-       :"=a" (__res), "=&S" (d0), "=&D" (d1), "=&c" (d2)
-                      :"1" (cs),  "2" (ct), "3" (n));
+  register const unsigned char *us, *ut;

-  return __res;
+  if (!n)
+   return 1;
+  us = (const unsigned char *) cs;
+  ut = (const unsigned char *) ct;
+  while (us[0] == ut[0] || (us[0] ^ isalpha_array[us[0]]) == ut[0])
+    {
+      --n;
+      if (!n || us[0] == 0)
+        return 1;
+      ++us, ++ut;
+    }
+  return 0;

 #undef strcasecmp

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