ntdll.h:SharedUserData misses a volatile qualifier. This (at least) may result in an infinite loop in hires_ms::timeGetTime_ns(). Fortunately this could only happen if LowPart wraps around during the function call.

Generated code:

$ objdump -d -C times.o
1160 <hires_ms::timeGetTime_ns()>:
1160: 55                 push   %ebp
1161: 8b 15 0c 00 fe 7f  mov    0x7ffe000c,%edx
1167: 3b 15 10 00 fe 7f  cmp    0x7ffe0010,%edx
116d: 89 e5              mov    %esp,%ebp
116f: a1 08 00 fe 7f     mov    0x7ffe0008,%eax
1174: 75 02              jne    1178 <hires_ms::timeGetTime_ns()+0x18>
1176: 5d                 pop    %ebp
1177: c3                 ret
1178: eb fe              jmp    1178 <hires_ms::timeGetTime_ns()+0x18>

This function results in the same code:

LONGLONG hires_ms::timeGetTime_ns ()
  t.HighPart = SharedUserData.InterruptTime.High1Time;
  t.LowPart = SharedUserData.InterruptTime.LowPart;
  if (t.HighPart == SharedUserData.InterruptTime.High2Time)
    return t.QuadPart;

  for (;;)


2012-03-20  Christian Franke  <fra...@computer.org>

	* ntdll.h (SharedUserData): Add volatile qualifier. This fixes
	a possible infinite loop in hires_ms::timeGetTime_ns ().

diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/ntdll.h b/winsup/cygwin/ntdll.h
index d921867..7eee720 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/ntdll.h
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/ntdll.h
@@ -1106,9 +1106,10 @@ typedef VOID (APIENTRY *PTIMER_APC_ROUTINE)(PVOID, ULONG, ULONG);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 /* This is the mapping of the KUSER_SHARED_DATA structure into the 32 bit
-   user address space.  We need it here to access the current DismountCount. */
-static KUSER_SHARED_DATA &SharedUserData
-			 = *(volatile PKUSER_SHARED_DATA) 0x7ffe0000;
+   user address space.  We need it here to access the current DismountCount
+   and InterruptTime.  */
+static volatile KUSER_SHARED_DATA &SharedUserData
+	= *(volatile KUSER_SHARED_DATA *) 0x7ffe0000;
 extern "C"

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