The ACL from Cygwin always contains the three (USER|GROUP|OTHER)_OBJ entries. It might be existing practice elsewhere to return these entries also in the default ACL. The attached patch adds these entries with empty permissions if necessary.

The patch would fix this rsync issue:

The logic for DEF_CLASS_OBJ is unchanged.


2010-12-10  Christian Franke  <>

	* (getacl): Ensure that the default acl contains
	at least DEF_(USER|GROUP|OTHER)_OBJ entries.

diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/ b/winsup/cygwin/
index 24f2468..34424a8 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/
@@ -357,11 +357,13 @@ getacl (HANDLE handle, path_conv &pc, int nentries, __aclent32_t *aclbufp)
 	  else if (ace_sid == well_known_creator_group_sid)
 	      type = GROUP_OBJ | ACL_DEFAULT;
+	      types_def |= type;
 	      id = ILLEGAL_GID;
 	  else if (ace_sid == well_known_creator_owner_sid)
 	      type = USER_OBJ | ACL_DEFAULT;
+	      types_def |= type;
 	      id = ILLEGAL_GID;
@@ -388,13 +390,38 @@ getacl (HANDLE handle, path_conv &pc, int nentries, __aclent32_t *aclbufp)
 		getace (lacl[pos], type, id, ace->Mask, ace->Header.AceType);
-      /* Include DEF_CLASS_OBJ if any default ace exists */
-      if ((types_def & (USER|GROUP))
-	  && ((pos = searchace (lacl, MAX_ACL_ENTRIES, DEF_CLASS_OBJ)) >= 0))
+      if (types_def && (pos = searchace (lacl, MAX_ACL_ENTRIES, 0)) >= 0)
-	  lacl[pos].a_type = DEF_CLASS_OBJ;
-	  lacl[pos].a_id = ILLEGAL_GID;
-	  lacl[pos].a_perm = S_IROTH | S_IWOTH | S_IXOTH;
+	  /* Ensure that the default acl contains at
+	     least DEF_(USER|GROUP|OTHER)_OBJ entries.  */
+	  if (!(types_def & USER_OBJ))
+	    {
+	      lacl[pos].a_type = DEF_USER_OBJ;
+	      lacl[pos].a_id = uid;
+	      /* lacl[pos].a_perm = 0; */
+	      pos++;
+	    }
+	  if (!(types_def & GROUP_OBJ) && pos < MAX_ACL_ENTRIES)
+	    {
+	      lacl[pos].a_type = DEF_GROUP_OBJ;
+	      lacl[pos].a_id = gid;
+	      /* lacl[pos].a_perm = 0; */
+	      pos++;
+	    }
+	  if (!(types_def & OTHER_OBJ) && pos < MAX_ACL_ENTRIES)
+	    {
+	      lacl[pos].a_type = DEF_OTHER_OBJ;
+	      lacl[pos].a_id = ILLEGAL_GID;
+	      /* lacl[pos].a_perm = 0; */
+	      pos++;
+	    }
+	  /* Include DEF_CLASS_OBJ if any named default ace exists.  */
+	  if ((types_def & (USER|GROUP)) && pos < MAX_ACL_ENTRIES)
+	    {
+	      lacl[pos].a_type = DEF_CLASS_OBJ;
+	      lacl[pos].a_id = ILLEGAL_GID;
+	      lacl[pos].a_perm = S_IROTH | S_IWOTH | S_IXOTH;
+	    }
   if ((pos = searchace (lacl, MAX_ACL_ENTRIES, 0)) < 0)

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