On Wed, Sep 08, 2010 at 03:27:14PM -0700, Earl Chew wrote: >We have an installation that we deploy to a bunch of workstations. We prefer >if the installation uses the temporary file directory that Windows has already >allocated for the user. > >The entry for /tmp in /etc/fstab, or the directory /tmp, is preferred. >If neither is found, the patch mounts /tmp at the directory indicated >by the environment variable TMP or, if that is not set, TEMP. The patch >does nothing if neither environment variable is set.
Thanks for the patch but I don't think this is generally useful. If you need to mount /tmp somewhere else then it should be fairly trivial to automatically update /etc/fstab. Corinna may disagree, but I think we should keep the parsing of /etc/fstab as lean as possible; particularly when there are alternatives to modifying Cygwin to achieve the desired result. cgf