Gerd Spalink wrote:


This patch changes the device /dev/dsp so that audio recording works.
I have tested it with
cp /dev/dsp test.wav         (stop by hitting ctrl-C)
and subsequent playback with
cp test.wav /dev/dsp

I also tested successfully with bplay of the gramofile package
(with some hangups that I link to the terminal handling of this software).

Awesome, thanks for doing this! I hope it won't be too much trouble for you to fill out that small assignment form mentioned in the other reply. Otherwise, we'll not be able to use this :-(.

I am now considering implementing /dev/mixer ...

Awhile back, a guy devised a drop-in replacement for /dev/mixer for when you compile the ESounD daemon on Cygwin. I don't know if it is of any use, but I found it interesting:

If you feel the libmm api isn't robust enough, you might consider using the DirectSound API, since it should provide the advanced features necessary to support a rich mixer without being dependent on one sound card or another. Depending on how current and/or complete the DirectSound support is in the w32api libraries, you may have to do some work on them first.

Something else that would be nice to have would be very basic midi support, which you might consider doing if you're going to do mixer.

One final thought, one thing which would compliment the addition of /dev/mixer would be the port of either the alsa or oss library to Cygwin. Even just providing a set of wrapper functions around the w32api would nice. I know we currently have the header for oss, but some apps require the supplementary functions found in the library itself. And now, more and more, applications are moving towards using alsa as the default. Anyhow, that's something to consider if you care to.


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