Nicholas Wourms wrote:

Planning ahead for future possibilities is always a good thing, so in that respect this seems like a sound idea. Since we are already dealing with ABI breakage, I thought I'd float this now to see what people think. Would a change like this be of benefit to Cygwin?

Hell no. I am irrevocably and unalterably opposed to implementing this change before 1.5.2 goes gold.

We've already had THREE ABI breakages in the last month. Now, you want to add another one -- to avoid one in the future.

Here's an idea: lets wait until the NEXT scheduled ABI breakage to do yours; then we'll get two for the price of one.

Right now, cygwin-1.5.x is overdue by several months. It NEEDS to go out the door; we can continually add more ABI breakages forever and never release a new version...but that's rather silly IMO.

That's perfectly fine with me, you point is well made.


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