On Tue, 2007-12-18 at 10:40 +0100, Dag-Erling Smørgrav wrote:
> Ken Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >   Log:
> >   A few more adjustments needed because of changes in xorg.  Just installing
> >   xorg-server doesn't include any video drivers so install xorg-drivers as
> >   well.  And if font-alias isn't installed the X server won't start,
> >   complaining it can't find the font "fixed".
> Wouldn't it be better to add font-alias, font-misc-misc and
> font-cursor-misc as run-time dependencies in the xorg-server port rather
> than hardcode the dependency in sysinstall?

I'm fairly sure the answer to that question is "Yes.  But with all the
packages built already it's best to take this approach for 7.0/6.3."

One of the bigger catch-22s of all this stuff...  Until the release
package sets show up the packages are *usually* too much of a moving
target to do any sensible testing with.  Once the release package sets
do show up fixing major issues is necessary but minor tweaks can
sometimes be too much of a pain.

If the ports folks would prefer to fix it per above I'll back that part
of the patch out but I'll leave it up to them.  I think leaving the
xorg-drivers set up the way it is with this patch (and I assume since
you didn't argue that point you agree, I hope I'm not putting words in
your mouth) is probably best.  The X stuff being part of the software
distributions is old and I'd like to remove it for 8.X but the general
idea was to make getting an X based workstation running as easy as
possible for a novice.  So it's probably best to not expect them to know
what specific driver they need but for people who are more advanced IMHO
xorg-drivers can stay separate from xorg-server so people can choose
just the one they need if they want.

                                                Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |

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