Colin Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   Log:
>   Add support for "freebsd-update -r newrelease upgrade" -- binary
>   upgrading to new releases.  Important parts of this code include
>    * automatically determining which optional components (e.g., src,
>   info, proflibs) are installed.
>    * merging changes in files which are modified locally and have
>   changed between the currently running and new release.
>    * prompting the user to rebuild all 3rd party software before
>   deleting old shared libraries.

So, let's say you have a 6.2 box (predating this change) and want to
update to 6.3, what would the procedure be?  Install a newer
freebsd-update from ports?  Or will the newer freebsd-update be
distributed as a binary update for older releases?

Dag-Erling Smørgrav - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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