Gerald Pfeifer píše v so 03. 11. 2007 v 23:36 +0000:

> gerald      2007-11-03 23:36:42 UTC
>   FreeBSD ports repository
>   Modified files:
>     .                    MOVED 
>     .                    modules 
>     games/allacrost      Makefile 
>     devel/thrift         Makefile 
>     lang/yarv            Makefile 
>   Removed files:
>     lang/gcc40           Makefile distinfo pkg-descr pkg-plist 
>     lang/gcc40/files     patch-ltconfig 
>   Log:
>   Remove lang/gcc40 which only has three dependencies left in the tree
>   (all of which only have it as a minimal requirement and also build with
>   lang/gcc42) and has issues on at least 8-CURRENT.
>   Approved by:    portmgr (pav)

I might be mistaken, I haven't checked, but shouldn't you also remove
4.0 from ?

Pav Lucistnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Thank God we're theoretical physicists so we don't have to get our hands
dirty with particle accelerators and other heavy machinery.

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