On Wed, 17 Oct 2007, Joel Dahl wrote:
On Wed, 2007-10-17 at 11:32 +0200, Alexander Leidinger wrote:
Quoting Robert Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (from Mon, 15 Oct 2007 22:26:38
+0100 (BST)):
[ideas list]
We either need to clearly document when ideas are things to explore rather
than things to assume are a shopping list, or we need to take the dubious
ideas off the list. We also need to make sure that every idea on the list
has a competent "owner" who is able to properly direct the work of a
volunteer, and make sure they understand when something is commit-path or
just "look and see if it might make sense".
I have an idea how to do it on the page... I just need to get time to do
it. Do you want to review it before I commit it? It's basically some text
before the ideas explaining this.
Actually, I also have an idea on how to do this. Can we perhaps work
together on this one?
I'm happy to review things, but should let you know I've been largely offline
for a month due to Leigh being in hospital, and I'm still only at the tip of
the iceburg on catching up, so my turn-around may be a bit delayed. Per our
previous e-mail discussions, I think having some sort of ideas list is very
valuable, I think we just need to manage the list a little differently, and
especially, manage expectations for the list :-).
Robert N M Watson
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge
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