Alexander Leidinger wrote this message on Mon, Oct 15, 2007 at 21:09 +0200:
> > >I already told you last time  
> > >that the current way (access to the i2c or smbus) needs more access  
> > >rights than using the userland parts of the sensors framework.
> > 
> > More rights than what exactly ?
> One popular userland temperature/voltage reading tool (as it supports a
> lot of popular devices) is mbmon. It is currently a SUID root
> application. It is like this as it accesses the smbus and/or ISA I/O
> ports directly. If we forget the ISA I/O ports part, we could maybe
> switch to a mbmon-user, but I don't really want to have such an user be
> able to query every device on the smbus.
> systat and sysctl are not SUID/SGID and don't require some special
> rights in /dev. I would say this is a big difference in favour of the
> sensors framework.

Did you completely ignore the discussion back in July?  I didn't bring
it up, because someone else did, but the simple solution is a socket
like /var/run/log or /var/run/devd.pipe, that a userland daemon running
as root that has access to ISA I/O and related resources...  It's
that simple...

  John-Mark Gurney                              Voice: +1 415 225 5579

     "All that I will do, has been done, All that I have, has not."
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