Quoting Poul-Henning Kamp, who wrote on Sun, Oct 14, 2007 at 05:14:38PM +0000 ..
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Rui Paulo writes:
> >>>  Log:
> >>>  Import OpenBSD's sysctl hardware sensors framework.
> >>
> >> I would like to register a complaint about this commit.
> >>
> >> When this was discussed I objected that this entire pile of crap does
> >> not belong in the kernel.
> >What is your proposed solution?
> To write som new code that works inside a sensible architectural
> framework that doesn't needlessly push tons of crap into the kernel.
> "Just because the code is available" is no reason to stick it in
> the FreeBSD kernel.

Poul, any chance you can make your comments sound a bit less like a
personal attack and a bit more focused on the technical side of things?

Much appreciated!
(core hat)

Wilko Bulte                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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