On Tue, 4 Sep 2007, Yar Tikhiy wrote:

I tried to implement that in version_gen.awk and found that its
error handling was rather weak.  Therefore I also improved its error
handling and fixed a few other bugs.  Could you please review my
changes?  They are in p4 and rev#1 corresponds to the version from
the CVS repo:

I gave it a quick review, and it looked OK to me.  I haven't
tried using it.


And, I think now we can outline the plan for using SV in the fts(3)
ABI change.

0. Goals:
        To provide CURRENT users with smooth experience before the
        next major release, when their tests and feedback are very

        To test drive our symbol versioning implementation and the
        newborn policy for its use.

        NOT to work around bugs in the build system -- they're being
        worked on under a different task guided by our make(1) guru
        Ruslan Ermilov.

Yes, and regarding that other mail, it's cool that it might
allow doing a cross target install ;-)

1. Commit:
        - The new versions of symbols are listed under FBSD_1.1
          in the respective Symbol.map file.
        - The old versions are kept under FBSD_1.0 using
          __sym_compat() directives, and they are listed
          in src/lib/libc/ObsoleteVersions.

2. Release:
        In RELENG_7, the old versions are eliminated, which includes
        the following:
        - disconnecting the old implementation from the build
          in src/lib/libc/gen/Makefile.inc;
        - deleting the old implementation in CVS: src/lib/libc/gen/fts-compat.*;
        - removing references to the old symbols from ObsoleteVersions.

3. HEAD cleanup:
        Half a year later the same removal procedure is applied to HEAD.

Did I miss anything?

I don't think so.  I'm still not totally on-board with adding
fts_ in a new version FBSD_1.1.  It doesn't look like much is
affected by the fts change, but whatever...

Oh, and we haven't decided on the format of ObsoleteVersions yet.
What about using just the same symbol map format for it?

I think that's fine.  You might want to add some comments to it
(in C comment syntax?) above the set of symbols that points someone
at which files need to be modified or removed when the reaper comes
6 months later.  Maybe a date or something at when they're to be

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