On Sat, 17 Mar 2007, Max Laier wrote:

On Saturday 17 March 2007 20:09, Jeff Roberson wrote:
Any language lawyers care to comment on this?

I find this strange.  According to the spec "(Decrementing is equivalent
to subtracting 1.)", but "pri = --pri % RQ_NQS;" will behave like you
expect, while "pri = (pri - 1) % RQ_NQS;" clearly didn't.

I noticed this as well.

When you do --pri, pri is promoted to int for the math and then demoted back to char wich truncates the value. Subsequently this value is used in the % operation, which gives the expected results.

When you do pri - 1 the intermediate result is promoted to a signed int which doesn't yield the result you'd like when you mod with 64.


On Sat, 17 Mar 2007, Jeff Roberson wrote:
jeff        2007-03-17 18:13:33 UTC

 FreeBSD src repository

 Modified files:
   sys/kern             sched_ule.c
  - Cast the intermediate value in priority computtion back down to
    unsigned char.  Weirdly, casting the 1 constant to u_char still
produces a signed integer result that is then used in the %
computation.  This avoids that mess all together and causes a 0 pri
to turn into 255 % 64 as we expect.

 Reported by:    kkenn (about 4 times, thanks)

 Revision  Changes    Path
 1.190     +1 -1      src/sys/kern/sched_ule.c

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