On Sat, 17 Feb 2007, Alexander Leidinger wrote:

 - Magic symlinks: Several implementations exists, so we don't need more
   people looking at this right now.

But we need people reviewing them and chosing the right one. So the entry needs to be changed instead of removed.

I think an alternative explanaation is that people have looked at them and been left sufficiently worried by the experience as to wonder whether "magic symlinks" are really a good idea. I think we should take it off the list before we get yet another set of patches that won't be accepted for the same reason.

I have mixed feelings about "zombie" entries since we've reached the point where most entries would be zombie entries. How about we have a separate page on projects that are currently in progress? People go to the ideas page, one presumes, to find things to work on, so we should only list things that are new ideas to be worked on.

Robert N M Watson
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge
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