On Tue, Dec 19, 2006 at 04:28:42PM +0100, Pav Lucistnik wrote:
> Interesting, I never seen them used in actual ports.

They were added in rev. 1.519 back in January, so it was about time the
handbook was updated.
> As for your change to Porter's Handbook, you haven't marked these two
> categories as 'virtual'. So - is portmgr going to create them as real
> categories really soon now, or should you fix PH?
Fixed, thanks for noticing.


Erwin Lansing                                     http://droso.org
Security is like an onion.          (o_ _o)
It's made up of several layers   \\\_\   /_///    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
And it makes you cry.            <____) (____>    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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