On Wed, 2006-12-06 at 18:04 +0000, Bruce A. Mah wrote:
> bmah        2006-12-06 18:04:52 UTC
>   FreeBSD src repository
>   Modified files:
>     release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes Makefile article.sgml 
>   Removed files:
>     release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes/amd64 Makefile 
>                                                article.sgml 
>     release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes/common new.sgml 
>                                                 relnotes.ent 
>     release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes/i386 Makefile 
>                                               article.sgml 
>     release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes/ia64 Makefile 
>                                               article.sgml 
>     release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes/pc98 Makefile 
>                                               article.sgml 
>     release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes/powerpc Makefile 
>                                                  article.sgml 
>     release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes/sparc64 Makefile 
>                                                  article.sgml 
>   Log:
>   Reorganize the release notes to better support multiple architectures.
>   Rather than rendering a different version of the release notes for
>   every architecture, we now produce a single release notes document
>   that covers all architectures.
>   This change makes document maintenence easier (because there is no
>   longer a need to support each architecture specifically in the
>   src/release/doc/ and www/ build infrastructures).  It's also
>   easier to read because there is now exactly one release notes document,
>   and readers can see changes that affected various subsets of
>   architectures.

Thanks for doing this Bruce.


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