On Thu, Sep 28, 2006 at 02:20:53PM -0400, John Baldwin wrote:
> On Thursday 28 September 2006 12:21, Ruslan Ermilov wrote:
> > > Are there any others outside of SES?  How many?  If it's a small list, 
> > > then 
> > > let's fix them.  The SES ones are broken as an API anyway as mentioned 
> > > above, 
> > > and if other ioctl's are copying out a variable amount of data w/o 
> > > allowing 
> > > for buffer lengths or telling userland how much it copied, they are also 
> > > fundamentally broken as well.
> > > 
> > Some only read from userland, so they aren't broken.  I'll compile and send
> > you the list of such ioctls (don't have it saved)...  Ah, here's one from
> > memory that isn't broken: SPKRTUNE from sys/dev/speaker/.
> Scott pointed out one in aac(4) that is required for a binary-only
> management tool, so it looks like we are stuck _IO being used with
> pointers. :(
Here's the full list:

: ./dev/ofw/openpromio.h:#define        OPROMNEXT       _IO('O', 1)
: ./dev/ofw/openpromio.h:#define        OPROMCHILD      _IO('O', 2)
: ./dev/ofw/openpromio.h:#define        OPROMGETPROP    _IO('O', 3)
: ./dev/ofw/openpromio.h:#define        OPROMNXTPROP    _IO('O', 4)
: ./dev/speaker/speaker.h:#define SPKRTUNE        _IO('S', 2)             /* 
emit tone sequence*/

Some of the below.  These are used by the binary-only available
tool from ports/sysutils/aaccli.

: ./sys/aac_ioctl.h:#define FSACTL_SENDFIB                      _IO('8', 2)
: ./sys/aac_ioctl.h:#define FSACTL_GET_COMM_PERF_DATA   _IO('8', 36)
: ./sys/aac_ioctl.h:#define FSACTL_OPENCLS_COMM_PERF_DATA       _IO('8', 37)
: ./sys/aac_ioctl.h:#define FSACTL_OPEN_GET_ADAPTER_FIB _IO('8', 52)
: ./sys/aac_ioctl.h:#define FSACTL_GET_NEXT_ADAPTER_FIB _IO('8', 53)
: ./sys/aac_ioctl.h:#define FSACTL_CLOSE_GET_ADAPTER_FIB        _IO('8', 54)
: ./sys/aac_ioctl.h:#define FSACTL_CLOSE_ADAPTER_CONFIG _IO('8', 56)
: ./sys/aac_ioctl.h:#define FSACTL_OPEN_ADAPTER_CONFIG  _IO('8', 57)
: ./sys/aac_ioctl.h:#define FSACTL_MINIPORT_REV_CHECK   _IO('8', 59)
: ./sys/aac_ioctl.h:#define FSACTL_QUERY_ADAPTER_CONFIG _IO('8', 65)
: ./sys/aac_ioctl.h:#define FSACTL_GET_PCI_INFO         _IO('8', 71)
: ./sys/aac_ioctl.h:#define FSACTL_FORCE_DELETE_DISK    _IO('8', 72)
: ./sys/aac_ioctl.h:#define FSACTL_AIF_THREAD           _IO('8', 79)
: ./sys/aac_ioctl.h:#define FSACTL_NULL_IO_TEST         _IO('8', 67)
: ./sys/aac_ioctl.h:#define FSACTL_SIM_IO_TEST          _IO('8', 83)
: ./sys/aac_ioctl.h:#define FSACTL_DOWNLOAD                     _IO('8', 131)
: ./sys/aac_ioctl.h:#define FSACTL_GET_VAR                      _IO('8', 147)
: ./sys/aac_ioctl.h:#define FSACTL_SET_VAR                      _IO('8', 163)
: ./sys/aac_ioctl.h:#define FSACTL_GET_FIBTIMES         _IO('8', 179)
: ./sys/aac_ioctl.h:#define FSACTL_ZERO_FIBTIMES                _IO('8', 195)
: ./sys/aac_ioctl.h:#define FSACTL_DELETE_DISK          _IO('8', 99)
: ./sys/aac_ioctl.h:#define FSACTL_QUERY_DISK           _IO('9', 115)
: ./sys/aac_ioctl.h:#define FSACTL_PROBE_CONTAINERS             _IO('9', 83)    
/* Just guessing */

Do we have a consensus now, as I'm going to send a patch for
RELENG_6 to re@ soon?

Ruslan Ermilov
FreeBSD committer

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