On Wed, 7 Jun 2006, Tom Rhodes wrote:

TR> > I thought the obfuscation was intentional as very few people should be 
TR> > a 'make world' without a custom DESTDIR these days.  Certainly people new 
TR> > FreeBSD shouldn't be doing it; only those with the command hardwired into 
TR> > their brains.  We've had buildworld/installworld since 2.2.5 (or 2.2.6) I 
TR> > think as I've only had to do a 'make world' once to go from 2.2.2 to 
TR> > 2.2.6. :)
TR> Heh, I agree, "make world" isn't really needed.  But it was
TR> either a quick comment about it and link to the handbook where
TR> we advocate "buildworld" or remove the world target.  Of course,
TR> we could just do nothing and let users continue to submit PRs
TR> about it bombing with a complaint of an undocumented make(1)
TR> option.
TR> Personally, I was debating on just removing most of the
TR> world target with just a message:
TR> "The world target has been replaced with the buildworld target."
TR> But stepped back due to bikeshed potential.  ;)

Hmm, maybe just bomb out on make'ing world without DESTDIR defined? Original 
behaviour would be emulated with simply DESTDIR=/ then...

D.Marck                                     [DM5020, MCK-RIPE, DM3-RIPN]
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