On Sat, Jul 14, 2012 at 11:32:56AM +0400, Ruslan Mahmatkhanov wrote:
> Alexey Dokuchaev wrote on 14.07.2012 11:03:
> >On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 10:23:50AM +0000, Koop Mast wrote:
> >>kwm         2012-07-13 10:23:50 UTC
> >>
> >>   Modified files:
> >>     games/gcompris       Makefile distinfo pkg-descr pkg-plist
> >>   Log:
> >>   [...]
> >>   Add tab in WWW line in pkg-descr.
> >
> >I think the last change takes us backwards: space is preferred separator in
> >WWW: line of pkg-descr AFAICT.
> I always replace this space with a tab (in a manner as vars and values 
> are separated in Makefile). Does it documented somewhere? And what the 
> reason may be of space is preferable? Thanks.

Well, pkg-descr is not a Makefile.  In makefiles, tabs help to align the
values nicely, as it helps readability a lot.  On the contrary, pkg-descr is
mostly simple text, so there is not need to abuse tab here where single
space perfectly suffices and IMHO looks a lot better.

Sadly, as with other stylish rather than functional issues, it does not seem
to be documented.  Hopefully after switch to SVN it would be easier to
isolate this kind of mechanical commits, and I will ask permission to
convert every port to single space + submit a patch to someone on doc@ team
to be added to PH.

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