On 01/22/2012 08:00, Eitan Adler wrote:
> 2012/1/22 Alexey Dokuchaev <da...@freebsd.org>:
>> On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 05:40:15PM +0000, Eitan Adler wrote:
>>> eadler      2012-01-21 17:40:15 UTC
>>>   Log:
>>>   At the moment 1385 ports use BUILD_DEPENDS= ${RUN_DEPENDS} and 450
>>>   ports use BUILD_DEPENDS:= ${RUN_DEPENDS}. This patch fixes ports that are
>>>   currently broken. This is a temporary measure until we organically stop
>>>   using := or someone(s) spend a lot of time changing all the ports over.
>> Thanks for using correct way of assigning rdeps to bdeps.  Can you elaborate
>> on the last sentence of the log?  Why should we stop using :=?  Instead, we
>> should fix portlint(1) to offer this obvious thing instead of duplicating
>> two variables like it bogusly does now.
> The concern is that someone would add something extra to BUILD_DEPENDS
> without thinking about it and thus add extra bogus RUN_DEPENDS.

That's just plain stupid. We don't remove useful tools because
developers might make a mistake with them, especially one that's so
incredibly unlikely to happen.

> I'm
> uncertain if there other additional reasons that portmgr dislikes :=

Hopefully before any more changes are made there will be public
discussion about it.



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