On 1/12/12 8:02 AM, Gabor Kovesdan wrote:
Em 11-01-2012 00:08, Doug Barton escreveu:
.if ${MYSQL_VER} == 52
MYSQL_PORTDIR=       ${PORTSDIR}/databases/mariadb-server
MYSQL_PORTDIR=       ${PORTSDIR}/databases/mysql${MYSQL_VER}-server
Although compatible, MariaDB is not MySQL. From the user perspective I definitely would not want such behavior. I'd rather vote for adding extra knobs for that.
we can easily get it to compile, and make pointyhat and tinderbox's happy.

Do we have someone who actually uses mariadb and pinba_engine who can submit patches?

after they got it to work, and know it works?

'in theory, practice is the same as theory'. in practice, they are different.

in this case, just making PH and TB happy isn't really a solution.

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