Max Brazhnikov <> writes:

> On Sat, 10 Dec 2011 11:21:44 +0400, Dmitry Marakasov wrote:
>> * Raphael Kubo da Costa ( wrote:
>> > Well, we did run test builds before committing, so it should have been a
>> > safe commit. The commit touched all ports which used the removed
>> > setting, I don't see which others it may have touched.
>> >
>> > As for the build log: what system is that? Can you post a build log with
>> > CMAKE_VERBOSE=1 set?
>> FreeBSD hades.panopticon 9.0-RC2 FreeBSD 9.0-RC2 #0: Tue Nov 29 07:18:03
>> MSK 2011     root@hades.panopticon:/usr/work/usr/src/sys/HADES  amd64
>> Otoh, it builds fine in (7, 8) tinderbox, so this may be 9-specific or
>> local problem.
> Probably your local problem, I can't reproduce it on my 9-stable amd64.

Indeed, it looks like something local to your system -- bullet's
Demos/MultiThreadedDemo/CMakeLists.txt has the following section:

    TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(AppMultiThreadedDemo pthread)

However, the linking line in your log does not contain '-lpthread' (I
know we use -pthread, but that is not relevant to this issue).
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