danfe       2011-11-07 14:33:45 UTC

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    games/frogatto       Makefile distinfo 
  - Belatedly update to version 1.1.1
  - Install localized messages (no USE_GETTEXT since the game does not use any
    of its bits)
  - Drop USE_GCC=4.2+ which was only required on FreeBSD 6.X
  - Adjust a comment and cleanup post-patch things a bit
  - Set NO_PACKAGE as it will be worth approximately 144M now
  - Relinquish port control (lack of time)
  Submitted by:   fiziolo...@gmail.com (version bump and NLS parts)
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.6       +19 -11    ports/games/frogatto/Makefile
  1.4       +2 -2      ports/games/frogatto/distinfo
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