On 08/12/2011 03:11, Dmitry Marakasov wrote:
> I suggest to change BROKEN to something like MASTER_SITES_DEAD

We've had this discussion about 6 times now. The community consensus is
that we need to cull dead ports from the tree in order to reduce the
maintenance burden and allow for more flexibility. Two really good
indicators that the port is dead is that the upstream work has stopped
for a long time, and that the distfiles are not fetchable except from
our mirrors (which are not intended to be the primary distribution

What has happened throughout this process is that people have come
forward to maintain ports that they care about, which has included
providing locations to host the distfiles. That is what happened in this

If this has caused some temporary disruption for you, we're sorry about
that, but there is no other way to manage this process.




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