> I also want to express my concern with recent (over last few years)
> trend of simple adding necessary dependencies because "QAT complained",
> while in many cases these deps are bogus (used only during brain-damaged
> configure script is one common case).  Not to pick on Baptiste, but I
> encourage us to check more thoroughly why particular dependency is
> required and reflecting the reason in commit log (except some simple
> obvious cases).

FYI I didn't add this dependency because of that. I added them
(RUN_DEPENDS) because the ports provide end-user 2 scripts one in
python, the other in perl, to be able to run them we need perl and
python runtime. This has nothing to do with brain-damaged configure
script or anything like that.

I don't feel bad depending on perl and python at runtime for that
scripts because they need it. Lot's of ports does the same (glib for

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