On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 4:26 PM, Garrett Cooper <yanef...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2010/4/26 Rene Ladan <r...@freebsd.org>:
>> On 26-04-2010 22:41, Max Laier wrote:
>>> On Monday 26 April 2010 16:35:12 Alexey Dokuchaev wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 10:30:00PM +0200, Max Laier wrote:
>>>>> On Sunday 25 April 2010 22:20:49 Doug Barton wrote:
>>>>>> On 04/25/10 11:17, Max Laier wrote:
>>>>>>> On Saturday 10 April 2010 15:40:07 Alexey Dokuchaev wrote:
>>>>>>>> danfe       2010-04-10 13:40:07 UTC
>>>>>>>>   FreeBSD ports repository
>>>>>>>>   Modified files:
>>>>>>>>     x11/nvidia-driver    Makefile distinfo pkg-plist
>>>>>>>>   Log:
>>>>>>>>   - Update nVidia BETA drivers to version 195.36.15
>>>>>>> might be me, but it looks like the BETA driver has been more stable.
>>>>>>> I just downgraded back to BETA and now X doesn't hang anymore after
>>>>>>> ~30min.
>>>>>> I had to downgrade back to 195.22. When running the latest version I
>>>>>> had freezes similar to what Max described. If it ran successfully for
>>>>>> any length of time it would lock up as soon as xscreensaver kicked in.
>>>>> not related to xscreensaver in my case, I don't think.  It was locking up
>>>>> while playing video in xine which - afaik - disables the screensaver.  As
>>>>> always, X lock ups are hard to track down unfortunately.  On the plus
>>>>> side, it doesn't seem to be a hard lock up - i.e. the power button would
>>>>> still get me to a clean shutdown eventually, but interrupts didn't fire
>>>>> anymore (at least the network stops working).  I can't attach a serial
>>>>> console at the moment to get into DDB.  Will try to, tomorrow.
>>>> Please do.  I am still not able to reproduce it here on Februarish
>>>> -CURRENT/amd64 with GFX260.  You might also want to lurk on nVidia
>>>> forums at http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=47 to see
>>>> if someone has similar issues.
>>> There are quite a few reports.  I did a diff on the glue code and there are 
>>> a
>>> few changes between 22 and 36 that could be the culprit.  I'll investigate
>>> further and let you know.  8.0-RELEASE here, by the way - does anyone know 
>>> if
>>> there are (missing) MFCs regarding the cdevpriv API?  That's one of the 
>>> bigger
>>> changes in the glue code.
>> The drviver seems to run ok here. X.org 7.4 has been running for 27
>> hours now, without lockups.  I'm using the blank screensaver inside
>> X.org (first blank the screen, then power down the screen).
>> This is on an Acer Aspire 7738G with this video card:
>> (II) Apr 25 20:10:17 NVIDIA(0): NVIDIA GPU GeForce GT 240M (GT216) at
>> PCI:1:0:0 (GPU-0)
>    Hmmm... this is part of an issue I need to triage on my two
> machines. I have two machines with similar hardware specs:
> Intel W3520 in both
> 12GB RAM, same vendor in both
> Different nvidia cards; same model -- 9600GT, different memory
> amounts, different vendors
> Different DVD drives (shouldn't matter)
> Different hard drives
> An LSI RAID card in one
> A snd_emu10kx sound card in the server/workstation.
>    There are a few variables in the mix, but my machines hardlock
> from approximately a week usage with sources based off r206031, using
> ahci(4) [instead of ata(4) -- I switched over my machines to use
> ahci(4) 2 weeks ago], and this particular driver version... I'll
> downgrade nvidia-drivers and see what happens.

    Downgrading nvidia-driver to 195.22 has been pointing a smoking
gun at a regression in 195.36.15 with my configuration, as my system
has not hung up once since I downgraded both machines, whereas I ruled
out the issue by disabling all of the other experimental features I
may have been tweaking around with rather quickly (my monkeying around
with the power settings and the rtc was causing some variance as well
between the two machines).
    Others have reported similar issues with panics on #bsdports.
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