On 02/10/10 04:50, Dmitry Marakasov wrote:
1.1 +13 -0 ports/audio/deadbeef/files/patch-Makefile.am (new)
1.1 +21 -0 ports/audio/deadbeef/files/patch-Makefile.in (new)
Weird. Can you explain why both of these patches are required, since .in
is normally generated from .am (that is, patching .in is enough unless
the port needs more of autotools magic than simple "./configure")?
Configure tends to rerun autotools when available sometimes, thus files
gets regenerated, so to be on a safe side, sources are patched as well.
Anyway, these patches will go away with the next update.
Yes, TMK it has always been common practice to patch both files "just in
case." One never knows what may happen with future versions of auto*,
for example.
... and that's just a little bit of history repeating.
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