On Thu, 19 Nov 2009, Simon L. Nielsen wrote:

SLN> > RL> > ? ?ru/copyright ? ? ? ? freebsd-license.sgml
SLN> > RL> > ?Log:
SLN> > RL> > ?Use less mechanical translation [1]
SLN> > RL> >
SLN> > RL> > ?1: http://cylib.iit.nau.edu.ua/Mirrors/ask.km.ru/unics/bsd.html
SLN> > RL> >
SLN> > RL> > ?PR: ? ? www/132091
SLN> > RL> >
SLN> > RL> > ?Revision ?Changes ? ?Path
SLN> > RL> > ?1.9 ? ? ? +16 -14 ? ?www/ru/copyright/freebsd-license.sgml
SLN> > RL> >
SLN> > RL> 
SLN> > RL> I was wondering if the license always applies in each country if
SLN> > RL> translated literally.
SLN> > RL> I can imagine that some conditions in the disclaimer (the capital 
SLN> > RL> part) conflict or are null and void in some countries.
SLN> > 
SLN> > Well, correctness (and especially legal one) is another story; I just 
SLN> > from near-to-unusable wordings to next-to-readable ;-)
SLN> While I think it's a good idea to translate the license so people can
SLN> easily understand it, perhaps it would be a good idea to add short a
SLN> footer stating that the English version is the authoritative / "legal
SLN> version" - just to avoid any misunderstandings.

I thought about something similar myself.

Done, thank you for the reminder.

D.Marck                                        [DM5020, MCK-RIPE, DM3-RIPN]
*** Dmitry Morozovsky --- D.Marck --- Wild Woozle --- ma...@freebsd.org ***
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